Saturday, August 17, 2013

Wildfires and Firefighters the Unsung Heroes

My son was dispatched today to fight a wildfire near The Dalles.  It is his first time going out on a fire since his employment with Washington DNR (Department of Natural Resources), less than 6 months ago,  which is their version of Oregon's Department of Forestry.  He went through the training but was a bit nervous when I spoke with him earlier after he got the call that he was actually going out.  He had time to pack and spend a bit of time with his wife, son and daughter.

I am sure the DNR and ODF would never put a firefighter in dangerous conditions beyond their capabilities but as a mother I am going to be concerned no matter what.  I started praying the minute he called and told me and I will not stop until he is home safe and sound with his family.

Firefighters are unsung heroes.  At least most of the time.  The country took notice on 9-11 but since then not so much.  Those who have had a fire or been involved with a fire know they are heroes but most of the others do not pay a lot of attention.  I have been involved with our local fire district for 20 plus years as a board member and I have always said I would get a firefighter anything he or she asked for if it was in my capabilities.  If they need new equipment I will do whatever I can to get it for them.  If they need a new vehicle I will do whatever I can to get them that vehicle.  My city has about 50 volunteer firefighters that do not get a paycheck for fighting fires or responding to accidents.  They do it for a minimal stipend that barely pays for their gas to get to the station and home. They are volunteers and they are awesome!!

My son will receive payment for his services on this forest fire.  He will get the experience he needs to help fight forest fires in the future.  Lightning will keep on striking.  Campers will still be careless.  Homeowners will still burn their trash even when the fire season has closed all burning. 

Mother, fathers, wives and children will still keep praying for their firefighter to come home safely.