Friday, February 13, 2015

It's Just Messy in Oregon These Days

Back in October 2014 I was upset with the thought that John Kitzhaber looked like he was going to be re-elected as Governor of Oregon, again.  Oregon is a mess and has been a mess for years and my thoughts are that the leaders in our state are not doing a good job in the most part.  The place is messy.  The state is messy.  Governor Kitzhaber's life was messy with his fiance also in a mess.  I knew there were some fishy things in her past that were starting to come out.

I posted a Tweet on October 10, 2014 stating I thought he and she needed to get out and maybe if they had gotten out he would not be in the middle of the BIG mess going on now, with his own party telling him to resign.  Like I said, messy.

I am not the sharpest tool in the shed but I know enough to call a spade a spade and I also know enough to say something out loud if it needs to be said:

1) I am mad at the State of Oregon for the Cover Oregon mess that just got brushed under the rug.
2) I am mad at the State of Oregon for electing officials that do not care about anyone but themselves deep down.
3) I am mad at people who call themselves Oregonians but do not truly care about the state.
4) I am mad at the media out there that do not report the truth.
5) I am mad that the state I live in is a joke throughout the country.
6) I am mad that the majority of the voters do not vote.
7) I am mad that one city rules the entire state because the voters in Multnomah County vote and they vote for the terrible liberal politicians that we have running our state today.

If I sat here and thought I could probably come up with many more reasons I am mad at Oregon and Oregonians.  It's just like high school all over again with the apathy!  That makes me mad too.  Where did the backbone go?  Where did the pioneer spirit that was birthed in Oregon go?  Why have so many given up on Oregon?

I wish I had some answers.  It's just a mess right now.