Saturday, March 21, 2015


Some days it is just plain hard to breathe.  There is so much going on all around.  In my community.  In my state.  In my country. In my world.  If I did not have my faith to lean on I would be a mess.  I would not be able to cope with all that is happening all around each of us.

There are people we know that are sick.  There are those who have injuries.  There are those who have substance abuse problems.  There are people that cannot choose good from evil.

If I did not have my faith to tell me that this life is not all there is for us, I do not know what I would do.  I choose not to believe that all we do is breathe that  first breath when we are born, and then draw our last breath when we die, and that is all there is.  There is so much more if we try to see the good.

We choose to breathe in the breathe of life and understand that a Higher Power watches over us and guides us by love or we as human beings, choose not to.  This Father, as I like to call Him, is much like a father (or mother) loving their young child.  A parents rarely looses it's love for their child.  My faith tells me that My Father loves me as I am.  I am far from a perfect child, but I choose to love and honor My Heavenly Father.

If I were to tell you one things here in this blog, it would be that it is the open heart that receives the gift of faith, not the mind.  When the heart is filled with the love of knowing there is truly more than this life on earth, the mind will follow as you watch and learn about the Father's love.  It is truly an amazing adventure.  With Him, we can get through the impossible.  We can find peace when there is chaos all around us.  We can breathe!