Sunday, April 26, 2015

Getting Old

One of the things I have noticed about getting old is that we are all starting the process of getting ready for that one last big travel to home, the final home.  It seemed to me that once I hit 50 years I started thinking more and more about the rest of my life.  How do I want to spend the next 20, 30, maybe even 40 years?  

The object of this whole life experience is to get from point A (birth), to point B (death) without causing too much harm to anyone or anything, and to avoid harm in any way possible by using common sense.  That is my take on life.  But I refused to do it without The Creator in my life.  

I am Christian.  I believe in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  I believe Jesus of the Bible is who he said he was and I believe he can do what he said he can do and will do for those who believe in him.  I figure what do I have to lose by believing like this?  Those who choose not to believe are the ones who had better be sure there is nothing at the end, otherwise they are in a heap of trouble according to by beliefs.  I rarely have doubts but in the rare instance that I question my beliefs, I always go back to the common sense reality that, the end will come and I am choosing the way my own soul has always turned to in the good times and the bad times on this earth.  

So as we move on in years and our travel plans to eternity are coming up in one of the years ahead, we each need to really think about what is important.  For me, my faith and My God are first on the list.  He has blessed my life for all of these years.  He has kept me safe and warm.  He has fed me and blessed me with work whenever I wanted a job outside my home.  He has blessed me with health.  He just has blessed me in every way.  He has blessed me with my husband, wonderful children and grand children and friends and family and coworkers and a church of believers.  I could go on and on about all my years of blessings. 

The trials have been fairly few.  They were handled with tears, anger, restoration, forgiveness, kindness, gentleness, and love.  There was prayer going on throughout each trial.  My God makes the impossible, possible!

I know that if no one ever reads this blog I will have said something I have wanted to say and left it here on this page.  My Father knows what my heart is saying and he knows I try and fail often but he also knows, that I know, how much he loves me.  I am my Father's Child.  For some reason, many years ago he held me in his arms and told me,

"It's okay.  I've got you now."  

I have never and will never forgotten those few, short, sweet words, whispered in my ear.  

So, if you are old enough to start thinking about the next big travel, to somewhere we are all going in the end, you may way to do the research and choose the path that leads to Heaven.  None of us knows all the answers but I hear it will be glorious, beautiful, and everything wonderful.  Sounds good to me!