Monday, June 29, 2015

Mediocre Me

The last time I wrote I was sick.  I am sick again.  No doubt from the sickness earlier in the month. Acute viral sinusitis has moved down into my lungs creating a tiresome dry cough that is now into it's fifth day.  I am tired, grumpy, and fatigued.  I am missing more work which places a burden on my coworkers.  I hate letting everyone down.

Why would a person feel guilty for being sick?  There was nothing I could have done to have prevented getting the cold in the first place.  I eat pretty good.  I rest pretty good.  I sometimes take my vitamins.  I have always been a "kind of" and "sort of" type of person.  I have never done anything to the extreme and have always been more mediocre.

Mediocre:  ordinary, average, middling, middle-of-the-road, uninspired, undistinguished, indifferent, unexceptional, unexciting, unremarkable, run-of-the-mill, pedestrian, prosaic, lackluster, forgettable, amateur, amateurish.

It a sad day when you have to admit to yourself you are nothing exceptional.  You are a lot "un" for the most part.

Being sick just brings our humanity and frailty to the top of the pile.  Being sick really makes a person think about life and afterlife.  Being sick brings us to our knees if we are God-fearing.  If a person is not God-fearing being sick must be a real nuisance for them.

I had a friend pass away last month at the age of 62.  He was healthy for the most part, or so he thought.  But a lung and heart disease took his life at an early age.  He got sick in the winter and died in the spring.  We never know when the day to die is upon us.

I had 3 weeks in-between my two bouts with sickness and felt normal.  I am praying my health returns and I will really try to take better care of myself now that I am older.  Notice I put the word "try" in there.  I always try.  I just do not always do it.  That would be mediocre me.