Thursday, July 26, 2018

The Spinning Room Wakeup Call

Thursday, July 26, 2018
7:00 AM

On July 26th my alarm clock went off at 7 am like it has done for the past 4 decades plus.  Many times I swat the snooze alarm a few times but I really had to use the bathroom so I swung my legs off the side and tried to stand. The room was spinning like a top but I had to go! I grabbed the side of the bed, then the dresser, made my way into the bathroom holding on to something for support the whole way.  I even had one hand on one wall and one hand on the other wall while I sat on the pot.  I made it back to the bed, laid my head on the pillow, room still spinning.  Jerry had gotten up and headed down to make us coffee unaware I was having trouble.  I layed in bed for a few minutes thinking about what was happening.  This was something different.  This was something out of the ordinary.  This was trouble!  I kept my eyes closed and could feel the nausea coming on.  I was in our upstairs bedroom and Jerry was downstairs.  I called out a couple of times but he could not hear me.  I grabbed the landline by my side of the bed and called his cell phone. He answered, I said, "Please come help, something is wrong!" He was up in 5 seconds.  I explained what was going on and he said we needed to head to urgent care. I told him I could not get out of bed.  My head was stuck on the pillow! He called 911 and explained the situation.

I have been on the Tillamook Fire District Board of Directors for about 28 years so the last thing I wanted to do was put in a call for help and add to their already overwhelming call list! But I knew there was nothing else I could do.  I needed them to come get me downstairs and into an ambulance to find out just what was going on.  Stroke was my initial thought when this all started.  Even though I live 6 miles out of town within 10 minutes the ambulance and my firemen were pulling into my driveway and rushing up the stairs to my bedroom.  All I could do was hug them and tell them I was sorry for the call.  They are stretched so thin and do so much for others.  I did not want to be one of the calls on the monthly report list I read over each month!

By 8:30 I was nestled into an observation room at Tillamook Adventist Hospital lying flat on my back and no way to stand on my own.  Now mind you, I had not been admitted to an emergency room or the hospital in 38 years! I was only there at that time to birth my son. And before that, 6 years earlier to birth my daughter!  I'm healthy and take vitamins!

The care providers and doctors started the routine things to try to determine what was happening to me.  I explained my recent issues with acid reflux, told them about the tingling in my left arm that had been irritating me, told them in June my doctor found my cholesterol level was high at 250 and that for 3 years I had been trying to get to the bottom of extra fatigue and acid stomach issues.  I had just figured once I turned 60 that old age was kicking in and that was just how it went.  Our bodies are on a limited time and God tells in the Bible we have roughly 80 years of life.  I have no problem whatsoever with God's plan for me and 80 is a good number.  I wasn't there yet! 

As the morning proceeded we made the necessary calls to my work, family, and friends to get the prayer going.  We are people of faith and that is where we turn first and foremost.  The care team just kept doing what they do. Care! I had an EKG, blood tests, x-rays, CT scan, and everything else they needed to do to get to the bottom of my dizziness and nausea.  The emergency room doctor wanted to do an MRI to see if there was an inner ear infection causing vertigo.  I said, "Let's do it!"  By noonish I was having my first ever MRI scan.  The hospital decided that I should be admitted for observation until all of the results were in so they wheeled me on my gurney up to the second floor and nestled me into a nice, quiet hospital room.  We waited. 

My daughter Dena, from Colorado, was ready to be on the first flight out of Denver as soon as she heard.  She knew when Jerry called something was definitely wrong.  Her mom is never in the hospital.  Son Chris, his wife Lisa, and 2 grandchildren from Washington,  were already packing to come spend the weekend with us because it was supposed to be the weekend we all gathered together to butcher our grass fed beef.  I explained to Dena the events of the entire morning and encouraged her to wait until we had more results in.  She waited.

Close to 2 o'clock the doctor walked into my room and said "We have the results from the MRI", as he pulled up a chair to sit down.  "There is a mass showing on the left side, behind the ear", he said.  That only took 1 second to comprehend.  He explained he had called Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) Neuro-Surgery in Portland and neuro-surgeon Doctor Han had told him he needed to see me face to face and that a transport has already been ordered.  I was taken by ambulance to OHSU and was admitted by 7 P.M.  There I was and my world was still spinning.

Now, I need to impress again how firm my faith is.  That is the most important part of this Glory Story.  My entire life has had the hand of God over it.  As a little girl, we were not a religious family.  My mom loaded up 4 children to church alone year after year.   Dad was not a believer or a church-goer.  I always knew God loved me but many, many, many times I just did things my own way.  I had my first baby when I was 19 years old and was 6 months pregnant when I married my first husband.  Two babies and 10 years later we were divorced.  I married my second husband soon after I met him.  I was 29 years old and he was 42 years old.  We actually celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary while I was in ICU at OHSU.  I'm such a drama queen sometimes.  But throughout my life I spent time seeking the Lord and trying more and more to follow His ways. 

I was Born-Again in the mid 1970's and filled with the Holy Spirit in the early 1980's.  I have never looked back, only ahead, in my walk with Jesus.  He said it.  I believe it.  There's no discussion for me.  I have experienced his love, patience, guidance, and voice for 4 decades. I believe in the promises recorded in the Holy Bible.  I believe the Bible is the Word of God that can be heard in a dying world.  I don’t care there are others who call the Bible a book of fables, a book of myths.  I have sympathy and empathy for those who have no hope, no peace, no understanding, no heart, no love for My Lord Jesus, My God, My Creator.  I know His heart is broken even far more than mine because he created mankind to share in a relationship with Him for all of eternity.  Others choose nothingness when life ends here on earth.  I choose faith and belief that life does not end for those who hear His call and come to Him.  I keep telling everyone that it is not rocket science.  It is simply faith!  Faith that we are each here on earth for a specific purpose.  Some have a long purpose.  Some have a short purpose.  Some have a large purpose.  Some have a smaller purpose, but all have a purpose in the beginning.  Many walk away or never even try to find the truth about their purpose.  All have the option to choose once they hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.  I believe Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the carpenter's son was God in flesh, coming to save those who want to be saved for a life after death here on earth. 

From the moment the spinning day began, I had no fear.  I had no doubt that The Lord God, The Creator of Heaven and Earth, that my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was with me.  He had shown me the tumor through the dizzy spell and the knowledge of the doctors and nurses.