Friday, March 20, 2020

Gods Reset

March 20, 2020

Where do I start?  I should have been writing days ago when this all started.  I have been telling every one we are living in a historic moment in time.  We haven't figured out how this all plays out.  All we know is that a major event is taking place across the globe.

All stadiums are shut down. Theaters are closed. All restaurants and bars are shut down except the ones offering take-out.  Bank lobbies are closed. You can get gas, groceries, some retail is open.  The big stores are closed.  Churches are closed. We are encouraged not to have more than 10 in a group.   The borders are shut down.  There are no flights in or out of the country.  Or almost all countries, I should say.  If you are reading this right now you know exactly what I am talking about.  If you are reading this after the fact or sometime in the future you may not know what I am talking about.  I guess it all depends on the outcome of this and many different factors as to what is happening.

We have a worldwide shut down for something called COVID-19, or Coronavirus, or Wuhan virus, or Chinese virus.  It stared in Wuhan, China in December 2019.  People got sick and it spread fast as it is a very large city.  Some tried to get the word to top officials. The government covered it up so they did not lose face.  It got out of the country.  Every nation has sick and dying people right now. Mostly old people or those with medical conditions.  It's a mess.  Each state has closed down schools, colleges, universities, museums, libraries, campgrounds, beaches and most public facilities. 

President Trump issued a:

Proclamation on Declaring
 a National Emergency Concerning
the Novel Coronavirus Disease
(COVID-19) Outbreak
Issued on: March 13, 2020

Today is March 20, 2020 and most of us have been home, off the streets, out of the businesses, pretty well hanging out at home to see if we can stop the virus spread.  It is strange but, as of  today, there are just a little over 10,000 deaths, worldwide. They tell us there are not enough hospital beds if we don't stop the spread.  It feels like they, the media, the officials, are yelling, "The sky is falling!. The sky is falling!"  And, as in story of Chicken Little, when one starts to believe something and follows without using common sense and being cautious to make sure it is truth, well, you never know what kind of deceptive path you could be being led down.  We are all watching and waiting.

There are a lot of questions as to why the world has basically shut down for 2 weeks and schools even longer.  We are continually told to self isolate so that millions and millions do not catch this virus and pass it on to others.  It is the weirdest thing to know that what is happening here is happening all over the world. We watch it on TV and see all of the mostly empty streets in the cities.  Las Vegas has pretty well shut down.  San Francisco is pretty well in lockdown. All Disneyland Parks all over the world are closed for business.  The stock market is plunging so the greedy are freaking out.  They forgot that God owns everything on this entire earth. Nothing is ours, really.  You can not take one thing with you when you pass away from this earth.

I'm calling it a "reset".  God is resetting the entire world all at once.  For two weeks he has decided that everyone possible needs to be home and off the streets.  All it took was a tiny little germ.  A powerful germ but a tiny little thing like that and the globe is closed.  Kids are doing school at home.  Moms and dads are working from home or their work place is closed and they are home.  You can't really go anywhere or see anyone because you could get the virus or you can be a carrier and give the virus.  You don't know if you have it or not.  Some people don't know they even have something and then test positive.  If you get it, all the people you know that have been around you have to be tested too. I myself, do not want to be tested.  If you are positive you are quarantined for 14 days.

The State and Federal governments are trying to figure out how to keep the masses calm while this global shutdown is going on.  Vacations, cancelled.  Weddings, cancelled.  Graduations, cancelled.  Hotels are closed.  Cruise ships are parked.  Airplanes are parked.  Airports are closed. We are asked to stay 6 feet away for others.  You can't do that in an airplane. Home is different because if it's there, it's there. 

We have pretty well been home for a week now. Things started closing down when the President declared the National Emergency on Friday the 13th of March.  We laughed at work because the "self-isolate" recommendation was issued from Friday the 13th to April Fools Day, the 1st.  If this is God at work, I hope everyone sees the humor in it. 

City Hall is closed until March 30th for now so I have been brings files home. I was in the office all day Monday as we had a City Emergency Declaration to get out.  City Council met that night and the announcement was made and televised.  I went in on Tuesday until 1 pm and dropped back in the office Thursday morning for an hour to get other files.  I'm hoping to get all my work caught up so that when we open back up we are ready to go.  In a way I am anxious to see how the bounce-back will work.  A complete reset for the whole world.  What will people's reaction be when life turn on again?

Now if God has a different plan, or if this turns out to be something mankind has done, or if it turns out to be something evil, or if it turns out to be something miraculous, then I am amazed that I was here, watched it happen, and am alive and writing it down for such a time as this.