Friday, September 4, 2020

Covid 101

Life moves on and the days pass by, slowly.  Nothing is the same and none of us know who or what is pulling the strings of this bizarre time of life. 

It has been 6 months since the world shut down because of the corona virus.  Covid-19 is the name they have given it.  As of today there have been around 187,000 deaths attributed to the virus in just the USA.  But in just the past week we have learned that only 9,000 have died from the virus alone.  All of the others who have died had other conditions that were causing serious health issues for them prior to the virus showing up on earth.  I believe the corona virus, which is an influenza virus, was just the final blow for these people who were mostly older and mostly of ill health.  Across the globe over 800,000 have died and each death is being counted as a corona virus death.  There have been over 26.5 million positive cases of the virus worldwide.  This equates to roughly a 0.03% chance of dying from this flu virus and a .03% chance of testing positive.


At no time on earth has the entire human population been exposed to this amount of testing and with the planet now having a population of 7.8 billion people.  The testing of .032% of the world population is very minimal. But government officials have closed off their countries, closed down their cities, closed down their people for the most part.  Nations are in shut down.  People are out of work.  Children are not going to school.  People are required to wear masks when they are out in public.  People are required to stay 6 feet away from one other.  There are no large gatherings, at least legal gathering.  The riots and protests in large cities are another story.


We have come to a time in life where there are no answers to the questions.  From a religious perspective, I can live without the answers, though the questions are still on my mind. Why?  Why with such a minuscule amount of death from only one of a thousand diseases on the planet, have the leaders of nations jumped to this surreal way of handling this virus?  Is there something more sinister at work here? 


A very time long ago 50% of the population on the British Isles died of disease.  That was hundreds and hundreds of years ago and modern medicine has eradicated so many diseases in the past centuries.  Why are there so many modern doctors and medical experts so unraveled by this virus?  Because it is new?  The other corona viruses SARS (2003) and MERS (2012) never freaked them out to react with such devastating public consequences.  And by the way, there are no cures or vaccines for those corona viruses today.


It's a very weird time of life.  No one has solutions. No one has answers.  No one is telling us the whole truth.  Only God knows how this one will pan out in the end.  It will end though, one way or another.