Sunday, December 20, 2020

What Salvation Means

What Salvation Means 

Our Power of Twelve ladies group has the word ‘salvation’ (Isaiah 12:2) for the month so this week I have been asking the Lord to give me some insight into what that word means to the believer and why salvation is a key part of being a Christ Follower, a Christian, a believer and why salvation should be on the hearts and minds of all people on earth.


Merriam Webster defines salvation as follows:

·        deliverance from the power and effects of sin

·        the agent or means that effects salvation

·        liberation from ignorance or illusion

·        preservation from destruction or failure

·        deliverance from danger or difficulty

I love that the number one definition of salvation is deliverance from the power and effects of sin!  But liberation and preservation are of equal value to mankind.


Through Jesus Christ, the sins of the world are wiped clean.  Jesus said in Mark 8:35;

“For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it.”


Throughout the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, from the time of creation until the end of time, people needed, still need, and will need salvation.  Salvation from themselves.  Salvation from others.  Salvation from earthly life.  We need to be saved.  We want to be saved.  Every single person, at one time or another, during their life on earth, have cried out to be saved by someone or something.  Many look for another human being to be their savior only to find that person cannot save them, especially when death is lurking nearby.

The scriptures speak of a “strong tower”, a “refuge”, a “fortress”.   These are places where a person can go when they have fear of something or need protection from something or someone.  When a tornado, hurricane or horrific storm comes, people seek shelter from the storm in strong, reliable structures that can withstand the power of the storm.  People want to live, so people find the strongest place they can find shelter from the storm.

But where does that person go when the evilness of others comes to rob them of their lives and their possessions?  Where can one go to find peace from the troubles on earth?  Even if they hide themselves in a fortress or behind walls, the evilness is still there, waiting.  People living on earth cannot hide from the evil on earth.  They need to be saved.  They need a savior.  They need salvation.


The other definitions of salvation include the words; “deliverance”, “liberation”, “preservation”.What encouraging words to the person living in fear and what a blessing for those who find it!  All human beings want to be delivered from hopelessness, anger, hate, and fear.  They want to be liberated from oppression, cruelty, lies, and addiction. They want preservation from health issues, envy, jealousy, greed, and death.  All people are offered salvation from the sins and grief of this deadly world.  Jesus said all we need to do is come to Him.  He said to follow Him and His teachings while here on earth, recorded in the word of God.


Jesus says in Matthew 11:30; “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” We all know the weight of life and living can be overwhelmingly heavy.  Sometimes it is just too much to bear but Jesus offers to lighten the load by coming along side of us with His Spirit of peace and love.  In Matthew 11:28 He said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”  Be sure to notice the word “all”!  The invitation to come to Him for his salvation, His protection, His deliverance, His liberation is for all human beings.  The only action required on our part is to come to Him, to seek Him, to look for Him and to look at Him. 


People have to admit the need and want to be saved. They have to admit they cannot find salvation, deliverance, liberation, or protection on their own.  All have to admit the messes they have made for themselves.  People have to be willing to admit the terrible things they have done to others and the hurt and grief caused by these decisions and actions.  All people have said and done things that have caused tears.  All people have put their own selfish desires before the needs of others who are suffering.  As little children we have to be taught to share, give, and love.  Without these positive characteristics we are just like animals and live a life of kill or be killed.  We live a life focused only on ourselves and what gives us pleasure and could care less about others.  We live an empty existence without hope, peace, or love.  We die and become dust.


Human beings are born with a desire to live and to be protected from the perils of living on earth.  Human beings have a soul and a spirit even if they do not admit it to themselves.  Human beings need a savior.  Jesus Christ, God Himself, The Great I AM, Creator of the Universe, Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace, King of Kings, Lamb of God, came to walk on earth, was killed by the priests and the people because of His teachings of deliverance, protection, liberation, and salvation.  He taught love, peace, generosity, and selflessness.  He sacrificed His body, His life for everyone.  He gave all human beings salvation from the sins of this world by means of His sacrifice on the cross.  He was pure.  He never sinned.  He died for you and me so that we could have salvation from life, ourselves, and others.  He was the sacrifice needed to save the people of this world because human beings are sinful, selfish creatures. 


To ask for salvation is to ask to be saved.  When is the last time you asked yourself or someone if they are saved?  Saved from what?  Saved from themselves?  Saved from a miserable life?  Saved from cancer or the ravages of disease?  Saved from death?


Biblical prophecy in Revelation 7:10 tells us that at the end of time for this physical earth, a great multitude of human beings “from every nation, tribe, people and language”, will be standing before the throne of God  and before the Jesus the Sacrificial Lamb, and they will cry out; “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.”


John 14:6 (NIV)

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”


No fortress on earth will save you in the end. Jesus is the only way to salvation.  There is no other way. It is always a choice to believe or not that you can and will be saved after that last breath.