Thursday, January 19, 2023


    We try to wrap our minds around the changes of life but we are never actually prepared for them.  The little changes are fairly easy and we seem to be able to get through them with ease.  We notice these small changes and adapt to whatever they are bringing to life.  It's the bigger changes that we seem to have issues with.  These bigger changes effect our daily life and they are changes that are more than just noticeable. They are constant.  They are right in our faces!  They are a huge impact to our daily life!

    Each one of us face changes.  We can prepare ourselves for many of them as we watch and help others go through them.  The real test of our faith comes when we go through them personally.  Death.  Health.  Financial.  Livelihood.  Family.  Friends.  These are where the "larger than life" issues play with our lives, our minds, our hearts.  These are the times of change we curl up in God's arms, our Abba, our Father, and ask him to take care of it.

    As followers of Jesus we know He said we would experience trials and tribulations.  He warned us.  As old children of the Lord many of us have learned and grown to understand these times of changes mold us and make us into servants for others who are not so old and seasoned. But then along comes a new one for us old kids and we too have to run to the Father's arms and cry for help.  It's not that we do not trust Him, it's that we really do not want to experience "this" change.  We do get a bit fearful as this path is unknown and unknown paths are strange.  We have not been on this road before and we are not quite sure how to maneuver through. We are not going to fight and scream how unfair this new path is because we did that when we were younger and everything was unknown and new.  Changes happened on a regular basis. 

 But there are seasons and changes that even the old ones find they question what to do, how to do it and why this change is in front of us.  It's okay to ask the Lord "why?"  It's okay to feel uneasy and unsure of the days ahead.  It's okay to cry.  It's okay to be sad when the change has changed everything in your life. Everything.  It is not okay to remain in a state of unrest and denial for a long period of time.  It is not okay to crawl into a cave of isolation for long period of time.  It is not okay to stay in the dark valley when the Lord continually calls us to walk in the light.  He wants us to come out on the other side of the change with a lesson learned, a grateful heart, and a testimony of the miracles the change has accomplished!

Psalm 23:4

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for you are with me.

    For me personally, the change has been death.  The death of my husband of almost 40 years happened almost 4 months ago.  Learning how to live alone has been a challenge.  I lived with my best friend for 14,459 days of life and now he is gone from my sight.  Memories of him are all around me as I live in the beautiful home he built for me and the family over 30 years ago.  The touch of his hand is everywhere I look.  I knew this time would come but I did not know how I would deal with it.  I find that there are days I want to be alone and process all of this.  I find there are spurt's of days that I keep busy with outside things and people.  I find there are waves of emotions and ripples of emotions. 

    I have no idea how long this season of change will last for me.  Eventually I will have to move to the hilltop and survey the journey I have been through. I will have to move on to the next part of my life no matter where that brings me.  I do trust the Lord with my every moment and know He is for me and not against me. 

Psalms 25:5

Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation, for you I wait all the day long.

Psalms 139:7

Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence?

Psalms 126:3

The Lord has done great things for us; we are glad.

I Thessalonians 2:20

For you are our glory and joy.

    I praise you Lord God in the midst of change!  You are with me! Hallelujah!