Friday, March 22, 2024


It's been a couple of months since I've written. I tend to hibernate in the winter season especially since I retired 3 years ago and then since my husband died 18 months ago.  I am a reader when I am not a writer.  I think so far this winter I have read a dozen books.  By books I mean the actual paper kind.  I love the feeling of holding a book and turning the pages.  But I digress from the title of this post.

A couple of days ago I was reminded to write down any of the miracles I have seen or experienced in my life so I thought it would be good to get them here since who know, one day, my family may find them, if this website is still somewhere in the "world - wide - web" for all time.

Here are a couple of the events that have happened that I would classify as "miracles".

In the mid 1980's we had loaded up the trailer house with the whole family and took off on a camping vacation to Canada.  We ended up at a beautiful campground and set up camp.  Our son Chris was 5 years old and as active as any 5-year-old boy.  One evening we were all sitting around our campfire that was inside of a pit ringed with large rocks and was probably 5 to 6 feet across. There were six of us.  Two adults, 3 teenage girls and Chris.  As we were laughing about our adventures and roasting marshmallows Chris was busy being an active little boy.  All of a sudden, he tripped on one of the rocks and began falling backward into the fire pit.  None of us had time to get out of our chairs.  In less than a couple of seconds we all realized he was falling backwards and going into the fire but then he was turned and pushed by an unseen hand, outside the ring of rocks.  He cried as he hit the ground by the rocks but was uninjured and no fire had touched him.  The five of us spent a couple of minutes processing what we had just witnessed then we talked about what each of us saw.  It was the same story from each of us.  He was falling into the fire and then he was not.  We knew that an angel of the Lord had moved and kept him from serious harm.  We knew we had witnessed a miracle.  That little 5-year-old boy is now in his mid 40's and speaks openly and honestly about the saving power of Jesus Christ and leads many toward the path of salvation that Jesus offers to every single person who seeks Him.

This next story is more recent and also involves Chris.  Last summer he and his wife were traveling with friends for another camping trip with quads.  The truck they were riding in was towing a trailer with the quads when a tire burst, and sparks flew up from the roadway setting the trailer on fire.  They got pulled over and began unhitching the trailer that was fast becoming engulfed in flames.  It was also carrying a large tank of gasoline which could blow up and take the pickup with it.  Panic was coming from everyone as the scene erupted on the Interstate highway.  As all of this was happening, they were unaware that the flames had reached the grass alongside of the highway and was spreading.  There were hundreds of acres of grassland where this was taking place. During this kerfuffle Chris noticed a couple of men in soldier uniforms were over putting out the grass fire as fast as they could using shovels and water and whatever else they had to fight fire.  He went back to fighting the trailer fire.  As everything came under control Chris went to thank the soldiers for stopping to help.  They were gone.  No one saw them come.  No one saw them go.  Several of the other people who had stopped to help said they never saw any soldiers putting out the grass fire.

For now, these are the miracles stories at the top of my mind but as I recall the others, I will get them added to this post.  If you are reading this and don't believe in miracles you should!  We have a God who is very active and moving all of the time.  He has never stopped being God and He never will.  He loves His creation both human, animal and world.