Thursday, October 24, 2013

You are Somebody to Someone

You are not a nobody.

You are somebody to someone.

Someone is watching you and listening to you. 

You may think no one is, but there is at least one person looking at you and hearing what you have to say.  As long as you are walking and talking someone is watching you.  Even the 5 year old watches to see what the 10 year old is doing.  Even the 80 year old watches the 90 year old. 

Someone in your circle sees you.

Someone hears you.

It might be the clerk in the grocery store.  It might be the kid who pumps your gas.  It might be the person who normally sits behind you in church.  They are watching you and what you do and what you say can have an impact on them. 

Don’t ever think you do not have an impact on someone or that you are nobody.

If you sit by quietly and say nothing you will not be heard but you will still be seen. 

Someone will eventually ask you a question. 

You will eventually have to speak.

You are somebody to someone and you are here on this earth for a reason and that reason may only be for one other person. 

You are not nobody.
You are a voice in this world, your world.

You do make a difference and you can make a difference.

You are somebody to someone.

Monday, October 21, 2013


I feel like we all get labeled. We are either a demonic delusional democrat or a rabid radical republican. We are idiots or geniuses. We are right or wrong.  We are winners or losers.  We are for or against.  We either need to shut-up or speak-out.  If we can't have it our way then we don't want it at all.  We gorge ourselves or we starve.

I don't like labels.  I consider myself honest, fair, loving, kind, apparent, and open.  I like people and I don't mind if their opinion does not match mine.  I always liked Fox News' motto "Fair and Balanced" and if you didn't think they were, okay.  Watch or read something else.

I am opinionated and always have been.  Just ask my family and friends.