Monday, October 21, 2013


I feel like we all get labeled. We are either a demonic delusional democrat or a rabid radical republican. We are idiots or geniuses. We are right or wrong.  We are winners or losers.  We are for or against.  We either need to shut-up or speak-out.  If we can't have it our way then we don't want it at all.  We gorge ourselves or we starve.

I don't like labels.  I consider myself honest, fair, loving, kind, apparent, and open.  I like people and I don't mind if their opinion does not match mine.  I always liked Fox News' motto "Fair and Balanced" and if you didn't think they were, okay.  Watch or read something else.

I am opinionated and always have been.  Just ask my family and friends.

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