Friday, June 18, 2021

The Temple of the Holy Spirit

This morning I was on Worthy Christian Forums and there was a discussion about being the temple of the Holy Spirit.  While I was preparing my thoughts regarding this topic they closed the thread for some reason.  I wanted to retain my thoughts so I am posting them here.  The following is what I would have posted:

I have tried to read through this thread this morning as best I can (there was a ton of scripture!).  I know the topic is about the Holy Spirit living in us, the temple of God, but there is no way to not talk about sin when we talk about us, human beings, who are sinners from the get-go.

My take on being a temple for the Holy Spirit to reside in is this; he knows I am a sinner, that I have accepted Jesus as my savior, and that I am cleansed by the blood of the cross.  He has watched me from the time I began on the milk of the word and continued to watch as I was weaned off the milk and turned to the meat portion.  He knows my heart.  He hears my prayers asking for forgiveness for any sin I commit in a day.  He lives in me and with me on a daily basis.  He has been with me for a long time and still loves and comforts me.  Has he ever been displeased with me?  Of course he has.  I'm an imperfect human being and he knows all about my past, my present and my future.  But again, I repeat, he knows my heart, he knows my soul, he knows my spirit, he knows ALL things about me.  I praise God for the patience, mercy and grace that is afforded to me, this pile of dirt, that I am.

Each one of us that give our hearts and lives to the Lord, give our bodies also.  We should see an improvement in the way we do things spiritually and bodily as we continue our walk with him and our learning of his ways.  We should be boldly confessing Jesus whenever and wherever we can without judgement and condemnation from the worldly eye that is continually watching our every action.  Didn't the Lord say he would use a rock if he needed too, if we did not declare him to the world? 

Luke 19:37-40 - When he came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen, “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples!” “I tell you,”he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.”

If a person professes Christ as their savior, they should be different than they were prior to salvation.  Those difference should be noticeable to ourselves and to the outside world.  As a temple that holds the power and light of the Holy Spirit, we should be a "shining light to a dark world" and if we are not then we need to go back to the milk and find out what the issue is.  In my walk, I have had to go back to the milk several times due to sin.  But I am a far better and cleaner temple than I was at the beginning of my journey! Praise God!! 

Thank you for letting me share my heart. 

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