Wednesday, August 25, 2021


Where do I begin this section?  Where do I start with a discussion about the wonders of God?  

Today, the entire world population is living under a cloud of fear.  Fear of a virus that is out of control and the measurements taken against it in the past 18 months have proven ineffective.  A fear of total economic and financial collapse in the entire world as people are not allowed to work at their jobs for not getting an ineffective vaccine.  Fear of their neighbors and friends as the government officials implement total lockdowns of all freedoms due to a raging virus.  A fear over a country, Afghanistan, which has been taken by known, extreme terrorists after an unplanned, hasty US military exit  that has left thousand and thousands of Americans, allies, and Afghan people aligned with democracy, stranded and left to the terrorists regime.  These terrorists have been left with billions of dollars of military equipment to now use in their horrific acts against humanity. These are just the most difficult and huge fears of today.  This does not mention all of the personal fears of people across the globe, experiencing a multitude of different trials.

My Bible studies in the past couple of weeks have been on the Twelve Tribes of Israel as they departed Egypt and headed towards the Promised Land that they had begged God for.  As Moses dealt with the hard heart of Pharaoh, these same people watched and saw the wonders of God's power and might.  The Hebrews saw with their own eyes,  the plagues put upon the Egyptian people by their stubborn and blinded ruler. Over and over it went on until death changed Pharaoh and he told them to GO!  As the Israelite's ran for their lives toward freedom, with the wonders of God covering them, they groaned and moaned.  I'm too tired.  I want to rest and eat.  How much farther? Why are we going this way?  I know you can hearing the whining if you have ever had children.  

These people experienced wonders.  They experienced unexplained miracles. They were saved by the hand of God from 400 years of horrific slavery.  They questioned God.  They rebelled.  They worshiped other gods right before their Creator.  They pushed back and sinned, over and over and over and over.  Sometimes God was merciful, at the pleading of Moses. Sometimes He was not.  Many died in the desert as God made them walk the walk for over 40 years because of their selfish, rebellious ways.  Out of the millions that could have walked into the Promised Land, had they done as God commanded, only two were allowed to go in.  Joshua and Caleb made it in.  No one else was allowed to step foot in the land the Israelite's so wanted to experience and live in.  Those who lived in slavery in Egypt, did not experience freedom in the Promised Land.  They died and were buried in the desert.

God hears our cries for mercy and freedom today.  The cries for freedom are coming from all across the globe.  Will God hear our cry and come to our rescue?  Should He? Why should He?  We are still a sinful and rebellious people, even those of us who call ourselves followers of Jesus.  We whine and moan about everything the least bit uncomfortable.  We wait for help but do nothing to help another.  We pout that God is not doing something miraculous.  We want those signs and wonders we read about in the Bible.  We want the Holy Spirit to breath new life into us and then we turn around and bellyache about all of our suffering.  We. We. We. Me. Me. Me.

In the thousand and thousands of years mankind has been walking this earth not much has changed.  Self righteousness is still filling the hearts of the people.  

The Great Creator, Father, "I AM" is and always will be on the throne.  I am still filled with sin, though I have been granted forgiveness by Jesus my Savior, I know I deserve to become dust in the wind but I continue to be selfish, opinionated, mean, nasty, unloving, unkind, and unworthy to receive or see any kind of wonder or miracle in my life.  For three years Jesus walked with the people.  He healed them and He touched them. He rose them from the dead.  He showed mercy, over and over.  They pushed for more, more, more, more.  We push for more, more, more, more.

Matthew 16:8 - 9 (NIV) Aware of their discussion, Jesus asked, “You of little faith, why are you talking among yourselves about having no bread? Do you still not understand? Don’t you remember the five loaves for the five thousand, and how many basketfuls you gathered?"

We ask for wonders and then we wonder when they will appear.  We ask for miracles and then miss the miracles of the day.  We ask for signs and the signs are all around us.  God is here with us.  I wonder if there is anyone on earth who still knows and believes this in their heart and soul, without question? It's a wonder that His mercies are still new every morning. 

Today I will fear only God and hope for His best decision in everything I cry out for.  Praise the Lord God for all things, both good and bad.  Both yes and no.  Praise God for today and I hope to praise God for tomorrow.  As in every day, He is the only Wonder I truly need.

Joshua 1:5 (NIV) No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.

Deuteronomy 31:8 (NIV) The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

Hebrews 13:5 (NIV)  Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”

John 14:1 (NIV) “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me."

Sunday, August 22, 2021

An Old Pray For An Old Child

Now I lay me down to sleep

I pray the Lord my soul to keep

If I should die before I wake

I pray the Lord my soul to take

I said this child’s pray each night

With mother close within my sight

Not knowing what the future brings

Her hope for me, under His wings

Many decades so soon passed

The voices of the distant past

I heard my own child calling out

Lord save my soul, would be the shout

We know not what the future brings

For to the Lord we only sing

Thank you Lord for each new day

Please light our lives in your sweet way

So now as years have passed me by

Each night upon my bed I lie

Asking Him for calm and peace

In a world that offers no release

Then I hear His soothing voice

Telling me I have a choice

To trust in Him and know my soul

Will be with Him forever more

by debrakay 8-22-2021