Sunday, August 22, 2021

An Old Pray For An Old Child

Now I lay me down to sleep

I pray the Lord my soul to keep

If I should die before I wake

I pray the Lord my soul to take

I said this child’s pray each night

With mother close within my sight

Not knowing what the future brings

Her hope for me, under His wings

Many decades so soon passed

The voices of the distant past

I heard my own child calling out

Lord save my soul, would be the shout

We know not what the future brings

For to the Lord we only sing

Thank you Lord for each new day

Please light our lives in your sweet way

So now as years have passed me by

Each night upon my bed I lie

Asking Him for calm and peace

In a world that offers no release

Then I hear His soothing voice

Telling me I have a choice

To trust in Him and know my soul

Will be with Him forever more

by debrakay 8-22-2021


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