Sunday, February 27, 2022

Great, Greater, Greatest

This month our Power of Twelve group is focused on the word "greater" out of the scripture verse in 1 John 4:4;

You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

"He who is in you", let's think about those words for just a few minutes.  As Christians we believe that when we accept Jesus as our Lord that His Spirit comes and lives in our hearts, our minds, and our souls.  He lives in us and through us as we walk with Him and learn His ways of living life here on the globe.  Think about what a miracle that truly is.  God the Father, The Creator of the Universe and everything else that existed at any point in time, comes to live in our bodies, our minds, and our spirits by way of Jesus the Son and by the infilling of the Holy Spirit.  To me that is beyond my human comprehension and understanding but I know this is what true love is.  A Creator who loves His creation whom He calls His "Little Children".  I did not have a loving earthly father but I knew others who did.  Their father was their protector, their guide in leaning the lessons of life, the one who was there for the joys and the sorrows of growing up.  He was there for his child when his child needed anything.  Father God is where this example of a father comes from.  This is why he made man to rule over the earth.  He was made to be a husband to his wife and a father to his children.  He was made to be the leader of his family.  The head of the house.  Father God is our first father and an example of fatherhood in a family.  We are the family of God the Father.  And just as the genes of our earthly father are in us so are the spiritual genes of our Heavenly Father.  This is why He lives in us! He is a part of us just as our earthly father is even for those who do not believe.  Every single human being born had an earthly father.  No exceptions.  Jesus of Nazareth is the only human being who walked the earth that was born of woman and Spirit.  Joseph was Jesus' father image on earth but his true Father was God.  We are blessed with a Father who loves us and is a part of us!

As I was thinking and praying about this scripture and the word "greater" as the words great-greater-greatest came into my heart.  When something is great it is wonderful, awesome, super, special.  When something is greater it is more, more than just great.  Then the word goes to greatest which is even more than greater.  It is the greatest.  It is the most of all.

The verse in 1 John says that "He who is in you is greater" and greater than he who is in the world.  The one in the world of course is the evil one who wanders around the earth looking to kill, steal, and destroy the little children of God.  The evil one is looking to spiritually kill, steal and destroy what The Father has for His little children.  His everlasting love and life in a family of love.  The Father gives us strength for the day to defeat what the evil one tries to do in our lives to make us doubt, falter, and deny.  The evil one does not want you to know and understand that God is greater than he is but this is the truth.   Jesus beat the devil at the cross.  The price of all sin was paid for at the cross of Jesus.  Jesus was the ultimate price, the last sacrifice for sin.  It is over.  I guess the devil is not as smart as he thinks he is and did not get the message.  He has no authority over the little children of God.  Since the beginning in the Garden he has not quit trying to lead God's little children away from their Father in whatever way he can.  We always have to remember and know that not only is our God great but He is greater!  Greater than the one in the world.  It's that simple.  

The Greatest God is greater than whatever the evils in this world can dish at us.

For a visual imagery the Lord dropped this.  The Oregon Coast Range of mountains shows how great the Creator is.  If you stand up on one of the highest peaks of this range you can see thousand s of acres of forest and mountains from the valley to the ocean.  How great is our God!  But off in the distance is the Cascade Mountain Range with higher peaks!  Standing on those peaks a person can see even farther from the ocean to the eastern desert part of the state.  This range of mountains is greater than the other.  We can now move to thoughts of the Himalayan Mountains.  The highest mountains in the world are located there.  Imagine what can be seen from the tallest peak.  These represent the greatest.

We have a God who is great, greater and greatest.  He has proven it by being a Father to the fatherless and by coming to live with and in all who call out to Him and follow Him.  It's all about love.  True love.  God knows we have to live our lives here on earth with the evil one constantly trying to hinder us and lead us astray.  This verse reminds us we have a Father that is greater than the evil one and has taught us how to resist and trample into the dirt whatever the evil one tries.  

Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.  This is truth for all the little children of God.

Psalms 95:3 - the Lord is the great God, And the great King above all gods.

John 15:13 - Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.

I Corinthians 13:13 - And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love. 

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