Friday, December 16, 2022

The Quiet of Holidays

Every day I think about what the day will bring.  Every day is mostly the same.  The house is very quiet.  I sometimes turn on music to eliminate the quiet.  I do the same with the TV.  But I don't really mind the quiet.


For years and years Jerry battled COPD which made him cough and wheeze and cough and wheeze.  That was one of the reasons we quit physically going to church.  Especially during 2020 and 2021 when everyone was freaking about the "virus".  Now there is no coughing.  It is quiet.  Jerry was also a person who hummed.  So the humming is missing too.  It is quiet.  It's been quiet for 86 days now since Jerry left the planet and moved to his heavenly home.


Christmas is 9 days away and I know it will be as quiet as I want it to be.  There are plans to attend the candlelight service at church on Christmas Eve.  There are plans to have Christmas dinner with family and friends.  There could be many more plans but I enjoy the solitude and quietness of the holidays. 


This is the year I need the stillness to hold me and keep me grounded.  There are so many things that may happen in the future but for now I do want to have peace with the quietness.  I just spoke with a friend and told her there is nothing that I "have" to do right now.  There is no where I "have'' to be.  There is no one I "have" to see. Right now life is just simply a day at a time with no expectations of tomorrow.


I know as the days and months progress the Lord will lead me where He wants and where He needs me to be.  He will lead me to those I can help or witness to.  He will guide me to whatever future He has in store for me.  For now I will try to be still and listen for His voice or just feel his love until the timing, His timing is right.


Exodus 14:14 (NIV) - "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”


Saturday, December 10, 2022

The Outward Appearance

Our ladies Power of Twelve word for this month has been appearance from


I Samuel 16:7 (NKJV)

For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.


As human beings we tend to judge by sight when we look at something or someone for the first time.  We look with our eyes at whatever it or who it may be and our brain says good or bad.  Beautiful or ugly.  Right or wrong.  Worthless or worthy.  Initially we make that outward call without knowing what is inside or what is hidden from our sight.  Thank goodness God our Father does not judge us by this outward appearance and looks into our heart to see what is at the root of us. Does He see love in our heart or does He see the bitterness and disappointment?  Does He see jealousy or pride?  Does He see us truly as we are or does He see what we can potentially be if we chose to live a life of goodness, truth and love?


What appears on the outside is not necessarily true.  We are very good at hiding who we are and what we do so and sometimes the appearance, the look, the truth, is not in reality, what it is or who we are.  The outside look is not actually what is truly happening on the inside.  Human beings are very good at covering up the ugliness hidden inside. Many of us experience this 'judgement call' of another at some point in our lives but as we take the time to get to know the person, much of what appears to be who they are is not really who they truly are.  When you really know someone you find out their secrets, truths and hurts. You find out what they believe and have experienced. Do you still love then when you know the ugly truth about them?  Do they stand by you as your friendship and relationship grows?  How things appear are often not how they truly are and time reveals many things.


There are scripture that speak about the physical, outward appearance of Jesus saying that He was no one that was attractive or pleasurable in appearance yet His heart was filled with love for His chosen people who He willingly hung on the cross and died for to pay the price of their sins.  Then there are scripture that speak of his brilliant, shining, appearance as He prayed and spoke with the Father. His appearance was transformed into something heavenly and holy.  Jesus appeared to some as an ugly, homely, unattractive man but to others He appeared as a King, beautiful, lovely, filled with the power of God, and filled with enough love for others to save them for all of eternity.


Luke 9:29 (NKJV)

As He prayed, the appearance of His face was altered,

and His robe became white and glistening.


Each time we look at others we should take a moment to discern the difference between an outside appearance and an inside heart.  Each time we are confronted with a situation we should take a few moments, or longer, to discern if the situation is an appearance of God in our lives or something else being exposed to us to better us. 


Appearances can be deceiving if we do not seek the Lord in His wisdom for us and for others.