Friday, December 16, 2022

The Quiet of Holidays

Every day I think about what the day will bring.  Every day is mostly the same.  The house is very quiet.  I sometimes turn on music to eliminate the quiet.  I do the same with the TV.  But I don't really mind the quiet.


For years and years Jerry battled COPD which made him cough and wheeze and cough and wheeze.  That was one of the reasons we quit physically going to church.  Especially during 2020 and 2021 when everyone was freaking about the "virus".  Now there is no coughing.  It is quiet.  Jerry was also a person who hummed.  So the humming is missing too.  It is quiet.  It's been quiet for 86 days now since Jerry left the planet and moved to his heavenly home.


Christmas is 9 days away and I know it will be as quiet as I want it to be.  There are plans to attend the candlelight service at church on Christmas Eve.  There are plans to have Christmas dinner with family and friends.  There could be many more plans but I enjoy the solitude and quietness of the holidays. 


This is the year I need the stillness to hold me and keep me grounded.  There are so many things that may happen in the future but for now I do want to have peace with the quietness.  I just spoke with a friend and told her there is nothing that I "have" to do right now.  There is no where I "have'' to be.  There is no one I "have" to see. Right now life is just simply a day at a time with no expectations of tomorrow.


I know as the days and months progress the Lord will lead me where He wants and where He needs me to be.  He will lead me to those I can help or witness to.  He will guide me to whatever future He has in store for me.  For now I will try to be still and listen for His voice or just feel his love until the timing, His timing is right.


Exodus 14:14 (NIV) - "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”


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