Monday, December 18, 2023


 On Monday mornings I do my best to get the Wednesday Weekly word ready for the Power of Twelve newsletter and website.  I have been doing this for several months now and each time the Lord gives a word that is perfect for the week ahead.

This morning I made my coffee and pulled one of the words out of the basket I had made up with words submitted by the group that has met at my home for the past 5 years.  The word was "strength" and the scripture reference was Psalm 28:7.

The Lord is my strength and my shield, my heart trusts in him and he helps me.  My heart leaps for joy and with my song I praise him.

Now the reason I am telling this is because last night at the Power of Twelve group I also host at my church we discussed how things are never a coincidence when we walk with the Lord and the Holy Spirit is forever speaking and moving in and around our lives if we only take the time to notice him.  The word we pulled from the box was "submit" and the scripture,

In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Right before we pulled that word from our little box, we had been discussing that women need to submit to God and to their spouse, if they have one,  because of the covering provided, and that this submission is not a bad thing, it is a good thing.  God made man first so man is under the covering of the Father.  He then made woman so that places her under the covering of the man for protection and guidance.  If the man is walking with God then he is the strength the woman needs and wants as the weaker sex. Those of us without a husband are directly under the covering of God.  The worlds teaching of submission is totally different than Gods teaching of submission. Submitting is not a punishment, it is a gift.

Also, each morning while I have m coffee I read the Bible verse of the day from the You Version Bible app.  It has been a wonderful way to start the day and hear the word of God.  I sat down with my coffee, ready to work on the Wednesday Weekly Word and get ready to write about the group word so the ladies who were unable to attend the meeting would be informed of the new monthly word.  I decided to first read my verse of the day and spend some time in word and prayer.  As I opened the app and read the verse I burst into tears.

Psalm 28:7 - The Lord is my strength and my shield, my heart trusts in him and he helps me.  My heart leaps for joy and with my song I praise him.

When the Holy Spirit moves in things like these it is hard not to notice Him.  Right before my eyes is the proof that he is speaking. I hear him loud and clear.  We are to submit to him in all our ways so he can direct our paths.  We are to have strength in him, trust in him and praise him with a song of joy.  We have nothing to fear as he is right beside us each step of the way. There is nothing he won't give us or do for us when we seek him and his wisdom.  He will speak to us and show us exactly what he wants us to say and do when we submit to him and not try so hard to figure it out ourselves.  He is our strength and our shield every single day in a world of uncertainty and darkness.  

Watch for him. Listen for him.  Trust him.  Praise him.  All is well.

Sunday, December 10, 2023


 "Light of the world you came down into darkness."

These words have been ringing in my head for at least a week now.  I suppose the Christmas season has brought out the word "light" more at this time.  We light up a Christmas tree.  We light up our front yards.  We light up when we see a child anxious about seeing Santa.  We breathe a sigh when the holiday season is over and the busyness lightens in our lives.

In John 8:12 Jesus said, "I am the light of the world.  Anyone who follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life."

What an amazing promise from our Lord and Savior that he is the light and he will bring the light in our lives.  Sometimes during the holidays there is a darkness for some as we grieve that the one we loved is not longer with us.  Some do not have the finances to enjoy the holiday and shower those they love with a gift.  Some do not have the warmth of a home to enjoy.

Some ache for someone to love them and hug them.  Some are in a dark time of life and cannot see the light at all.  When all the pretty twinkling lights are all around everywhere it is almost unbearable to be joyful and happy.  The sadness inside is overwhelming.

In Matthew 5:14-16 Jesus said, "You are the light of the world.  A city situated on a hill cannot be hidden.  No one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket, but rather on a lampstand, and it gives light for all who are in the house.  In the same way, let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven."

Just think, you may be the only glimmer of light one person sees this holiday season.  You may be the only smile they notice.  They may only hear your voice of encouragement at this time.  You might be the only time they notice the God in someone.  If you follow Jesus and are one of his children then you need to be the light.  

BE A LIGHT TO SOMEONE!  Jesus needs you to do this for him.  He needs you to do this for someone else.  Giving a smile costs nothing.  Giving a hug costs nothing.  Offering a prayer costs nothing.  Each one of these things can be just what the other person needs at that very time.

I hope these few words puts a light into your spirit to shine a light in a dark world.

Friday, December 8, 2023


 I'm sorry you lost your dad.  He was always there for you, giving you advice and wisdom, encouragement and love.

I'm sorry your lost your grandpa. He way always making you laugh with his corny stories and jokes, giving you bear hugs and nuggies.

I'm sorry you lost your brother.  He called you to check in and reminisce about childhood adventures and talk about the old times.

I'm sorry you lost your friend.  You could always count on him to give you something, do something to make you smile or just let you know he was thinking about you.

I'm sorry I'm not strong enough to fill in the holes he has left.  I can only hope that in time each one of us will fill that gap with some of his lessons taught and words said.

I'm sorry we all lost him.  He brought so much happiness into the lives he touched it's hard to believe the world will ever be joyful again.

I'm sorry and Jesus wept.