Friday, December 8, 2023


 I'm sorry you lost your dad.  He was always there for you, giving you advice and wisdom, encouragement and love.

I'm sorry your lost your grandpa. He way always making you laugh with his corny stories and jokes, giving you bear hugs and nuggies.

I'm sorry you lost your brother.  He called you to check in and reminisce about childhood adventures and talk about the old times.

I'm sorry you lost your friend.  You could always count on him to give you something, do something to make you smile or just let you know he was thinking about you.

I'm sorry I'm not strong enough to fill in the holes he has left.  I can only hope that in time each one of us will fill that gap with some of his lessons taught and words said.

I'm sorry we all lost him.  He brought so much happiness into the lives he touched it's hard to believe the world will ever be joyful again.

I'm sorry and Jesus wept.

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