Sunday, July 21, 2024

So Much To Do So Little Time


Forget Me Not
It has been months since I last wrote.  I write but I have just not added to this blog.  Every week I write the Wednesday Weekly Word for Power of Twelve.  I think we have about 60 people signed up to receive the email which is 60 more people than who read this blog.  LOL! I also write lots of notes while watching sermons or when I go to church.  I write just not as much as I used to do.  

    Today it has been 22 months since Jerry died.  I'm okay.  Not great but okay.  I keep getting out of bed every day.  I keep seeking the Lord and study the Bible.  I still talk with family and friends.  I still try to keep up with all the homework inside and out though I just hired help for the yardwork starting in August.  I am still adjusting to being a single 70-year-old woman.  I think it would be easier if I were younger but then I would still have to go to work so that would probably be hard too.  The Lord knows exactly what He is doing, and His timing is perfect.  

    The Power of Twelve group at my home will be starting the 6th year in September.  This is amazing and there are still 4 of the original members.  We currently have only 10 of us but I haven't really tried too hard to fill the empty seats.  I am waiting on the Lord to call in those who may want to join us.

    The family is doing good.  There were a couple blowups, but the Lord is resolving the issues and forgiveness, and restorations are in the works.  Grandchildren are growing up and moving to other states and starting new lives.  Life continues month after month and year after year.  There is a wedding coming up in a couple of months and then a trip to watch a football game and right after that the holidays will almost be here.  

    I don't imagine I will be able to continue to live in this house with all of the acreage, so I have started getting my mind wrapped around a move in the next 10 years.  But where will I go?  I have no idea.  God will have to show me the way to where He wants me to call my final home.  Today I don't have to think about it!

    I thank the Lord and praise Him for all things in my life.  I praise the Lord for His favor over me and mine.  I praise the Lord for every minute I have to continue to do what I can to serve Him as little as it may be.  I praise the Lord that He has called me by name and said I am His.  How amazing is that!

    I know there is still much I can do for Him, but I also know the time is getting to be less and less.  Tomorrow is a new day, and I will rejoice and be glad in it.

    So much to do, so little time! 

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