Thursday, August 22, 2024


It's now been 23 months of searching for the new me in this life of widowhood.  Daily I come before the Lord and seek Him first and then ask what it is He wants from me for the rest of my life.  It could be only until tomorrow or if could be a decade or two. Only He knows but in the meantime I have to be doing something for Him.

Yesterday the Power of Twelve Wednesday Weekly Word was HARVEST.  The Scripture verse was Galatians 6:9.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

The point is to not give up.  The point is to seek Him.  The point is to tell others.  The point is to do good and use our words.  Many people know me and know that my words are rarely few and usually many.  Sometimes too many and sometimes not the words the Lord would have me saying.  They are words from my own selfishness and my own opinions and sometimes they are destructive.

Bright and early this morning I was writing to a friend who I was having a written conversation with.  I wrote the following:

'In the meantime I want all my family members on that same path and those I care the most about to know and love him. We will be known by our fruit. He told us the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Arguing about scripture verses, opinions, politics, and all those type of things only brings division in many cases. Pride keeps so many people in bondage. Our world is such a mess because so many cannot keep their tongue silent. I’m to blame in some cases but I daily try to not say everything I think.'

I adore the Lord and it blesses me so much when He gives me confirmation that what I am thinking and feeling is from Him.  Holy Spirit is speaking and I am listening.  I checked my email an hour after writing the above only to read the following from Lana Vawser the only prophetess I follow as she was instrumental in the confirmation of the forming of Power of Twelve and has had prophetic words for me in many situations in the past 6 years.

"It's time to stand and to stand strong in My Word, and allow My fire to baptise you afresh with a roar of no toleration. The pressing is coming hard against you, but push deeper and harder into Me and My Word, and know that you are moving into a place of faith and strength in Me — in the overcoming that is going to equip and arm you for the days ahead.

For distraction is coming hard against you at the gate to attempt to fill your head with noise and chatter, so you will not hear My Word, but I say unto you: bind the spirit of chaos that is attempting to come and steal the quiet space from you to hear and listen to My Word and to My strategy that I am arming you with.

Give your eyes ONLY to Me and to My Word, and My Rhema word and divine insight that I am releasing. There is a battle over your eye gates, there is a battle over the gate of your heart: and I say unto you, STAND FIRM upon My Word and saturate yourself in My presence through prayer and meditation upon My Word. 

My people, watch your words at the gate. Allow MY WORD and MY RHEMA WORD to you to CARRY YOU through the gate, and walk upon My Word as you move through the gate. For many of you are giving your tongue to careless words as you have stopped at the gate — looking at the turbulence and warfare and battle surrounding you — but I say unto you SPEAK AND DECLARE YOUR WAY THROUGH! Watch your words and speak only that which I am speaking: and know that as you speak your way through, My Spirit is paving the way for a new day that you are moving into with Me.

My people, don't stop at the gate: SPEAK YOUR WAY THROUGH and walk by FAITH and NOT by sight."

These kind of things are not a coincidence.  When we are seeking God and asking Him to show us the way He does.  It is up to each of us to read and hear the signs.  It is up to us to slow down, sit, and listen.  Too many in the world today are fighting for just a few minutes of peace.  They are being pulled into a million directions by all of the distractions.  Turn off the TV set.  Set down the cell phone.  Turn off the radios.  Lock yourself in the bathroom or the basement or your bedroom for 15 minutes.  Ask the Father to speak to you and refresh you with His words of love.  He told us that if we seek Him we will find Him.  The choice to seek Him is ours not His.  He is not going to run to you.  You have to run to Him.  Then you have to listen to the words He places into your spirit and mind.  He is a very loving and personal Father to His children when they take  a few minutes and stop running around in circles.  

Psalms 46:10 - “Be still, and know that I am God;"

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