Saturday, April 13, 2013

Personally Known to Me Bloggers and My Thoughts

I have spent the last hour reading a blog by a man I went to school with and lives in our town, who is now retired and has the luxury of writing almost daily.  That and gardening.  I am jealous, since I still have to work and come home dead-dog tired most week days.  He writes wonderfully and I enjoyed the hour I spent with him this morning.  I guess it is a bit more meaningful, at least to me, when you know the Blogger personally and can relate to his stories.

The story about gardening made me laugh.  The story about suicide made me cry.  I had to leave my comments about the suicide story:

"My neighbors lost a son to suicide.  One of my very best friends lost her son to suicide.  I have several friends who lost children to suicide.  My husband lost his father and his grandfather to suicide.  I do not think there is a person who had not been affected by suicide in one way or another.  We all know it happens and we all know it happens in an instant but leading up to it takes a lifetime.  Love, patience, communication, forgiveness, peace, understanding, strength, and all of the goodness of life on earth play a part in this.  I believe in God the Father, the Creator of Life.  I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God.  I believe He can and will help each person who asks.  But not everyone believes like me.  Many do not know how, when or who can help.  We are all in this life together and need to try to be there for one another.  We cannot forget any of those who desperately decided they could not go on.  If we forget them we lose a part of ourselves.  It is imperative to remember each and every one of them, talk about them with love and forgive them. Never forget them!"

I am glad my friend (I think I can call him my friend) writes his blog and I will continue to read, as I admire him and appreciate his thoughts.

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