Saturday, April 6, 2013

Blogging on a Rainy Day :)

I rarely blog.
I rarely do anything consistently.
I go from one thing to another, to another.
It is who I am.
I would be a lousy blogger for anyone to follow and you would be disappointed in me as a blogger.

I am a good friend though.
I like to help and I will listen.
I like to write but I do not want to write every day.  So...I am not a real blogger.  Real blogger's write every day don't they?

We are in Washington with our kids and grandkids as I write this.
It is pouring down rain so I thought I should find something to do.
Here I am at my computer.
It is a quiet, peaceful day with family.

I love my family.
That is the one consistency in my life.
I love the Lord Jesus Christ, the other consistency in my life.

Okay that is it for now. :)

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