Monday, November 25, 2013

For Me, Being Silent is HARD!

I told the Lord and my husband that I would be quiet about politics, the government, the world conditions, and other happenings that have been driving me crazy lately.  This is one of the hardest things ever and it's only been a few days.  I don't know how I am going to be able to be silent about all of this.  It's as hard as staying on a diet!!

I have spent the evening reading about a woman who wrote about her life of poverty and posted it on a blog site.  This all happened in the week and now she is writing full time in a couple of places.  She is writing/working and getting paid to write/work!  Her story is down to earth and true.  It is life at the hardest. It is worth the read and I am happy for her.

I do not think she believes in God but regardless He has opened these doors for her and her family and she is being blessed.  Stories like this are amazing and wonderful.  It's those little miracles in life that can get lost but for now, here she is. Here are links to Linda Tirado's first and second writings on the Huffington Post site.  Well worth your read (please excuse her F-bombs):

So while I am taking a break from US politics (for only as long as I can stand it without going completely crazy) I will do a lot of reading and hopefully find the positive things that are still happening in our world today.  God doesn't stop blessing just because the government tries to take it all away!

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