Sunday, November 24, 2013

Lost in Politics, But Only for a Season

For the past month and a half I have been on a soapbox on social media sites.  I have always paid attention to what is going on in the political spectrum of our world but just held my tongue.  It was during the government shutdown that my tongue could not be held any longer.  The final straw for me was when the feds said the money for the families of the deceased soldiers would not be available.  Those families were not financially assisted in getting their loved ones home.  The people on food stamps were still getting their money.  The politicians were still getting their paychecks.  The old people were still getting their social security checks.  But the families who sacrificed a son, daughter, husband, wife, they were getting nothing.  I came unglued.

And so it all went from hell in a hand basket from there:

Government shutdown, blaming and name calling on both sides of the House, Senate, and administration,

Roll out of Obamacare, blaming and name calling on both sides of the House, Senate, and administration,

Failure of Obamacare website, blaming and name calling on both sides of the House, Senate, and administration,

Cancellation of  millions and millions of valid health insurance policies,  blaming and name calling on both sides of the House, Senate, and administration,

and all of the other things hashed out, hashed over and beat to death in the media and social media,

and then to top it off Oprah wants me dead because she thinks that all old white people are racists!

I am labeled a conservative Christian.  I do not consider myself over the top or without compassion for all points of view.  I draw the line on biblical sin but will try hard not judge should you choose to live in sin.  God's judgement will be harsh enough on sinners, of which I am one.  I am not a liberal, which I find out is someone who believes the government is here to take care of the people.  I believe God takes care of people first.  I believe we have to take care of ourselves.  I believe we have to take care of each other. Then, once all of that has been done, the government can come in and help.  But from what I understand the liberal mentality puts the government before anything, even God.  This does not work for my mentality.

For forty days I spouted off on Facebook, Twitter and email how mad I was about all that was happening in our nation and to our liberties.  I pretty well ranted and raved about each an everything going on through the day.  It seems like there was something every single day that fired me up and made me want to make sure that everyone else knew it was happening.  I watched as some fired back either with me or against me.  The rest of the people went about their own business, oblivious to what was happening, so I thought.  It seemed to me like most did not care and were not interested in our national woes.

Most of my Christian friends were fairly quiet on the subjects I brought up.  As I think about all of this now I realize that most care but do not know how to respond.  I still think most people do not think they can do anything to change anything.  Most are willing to let it all play out and as long as it does not affect them directly, they will live with it.  As a Christian I know that God has the ability to change all things but He also lets many things happen as they are supposed to happen.  He does not change the outcome of destiny in many instances.  He has given mankind free will to choose and does not intervene in that free will the majority of the time.  He is a God of love but He is also the God of free will whether or not the free will decision is good or evil.  He is not a master manipulator.

So for now I am off the political soapbox and will sit on the sidelines with the rest of the nation and watch things play out.  Just because I am not speaking out does not mean I have quit caring.  I will just pray in the quiet of my own life that one by one the people in our nation will arise and sound the alarm.  We do not have to live in fear of what is coming because God is with us and He does care what happens to us.  All of us! Christian, non-Christian.  Liberal, conservative. Good, evil.  He cares about all of this and all of us.  He doesn't need me to be His mouthpiece even though I thought He did for 40 days.  I did what I thought was right and I am still doing what I think is right.  Sometimes silence speaks more than words.

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