Monday, August 17, 2020


 The people suffer and curse their image of god.

The people of the One True God call upon him for relief.

Has God abandoned His people?

Have His people abandoned Him?

Will the Father abandon His children?

Have the children of God walked away from Him?

How many days and years can God watch His people dishonor Him?

Many speak out of the love of God.

He is a God of love.

He is a God of wrath.

How can He be both love and wrath?

A father who loves his children will teach them discipline.

He will teach them that trials and failures bring strength.

He will allow each child a free will to accept or reject his teachings.

When a child turns their back to their father they are left to live their own life.

If the failures and trials become more than the child can bear, they suffer.

Suffering children have a choice to return to their father or continue in their suffering.

The return of the child to the father’s house brings joy to the father.

His arms are open and his love is apparent.

Just as the human father welcomes his child home, the Creator Father does the same.

He calls time and time again for His child to return to him.

His love is immeasurable and eternal.

His wrath and abandonment is the choice of the people.

People are free to choose love or wrath.

People are free to choose God or themselves.

Choose God and receive love and forgiveness.

Choose yourself and live with abandonment and wrath.


Matthew 11:28- 30

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

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