Sunday, August 2, 2020

Where Do We Go Now?

Sunday, August 2, 2020

3:00 PM


It is hard to understand what has happened this year.  Two years ago when my brain tumor was found, I was asking the same questions, but at that time it was for me personally.  This time it is about the entire planet and all of it's inhabitants, not just me.


The economies of all nations are suffering.  Most have lost more than 10% of it's economy and there seems to be no reprieve in sight. There are people who have lost everything.  They have lost their businesses.  They have lost their jobs.  They have lost their incomes.  As this moves forward, many will lose their homes.  They will have to start completely over.  Of course, that will not happen until businesses open at full capacity.  I honestly do not see that happening the remainder of this year and into the next year.  It will be a very slow recovery and the recovery has not even begun.  Most of the government restrictions are still in place across the world.  Schools are not reopening this month or next month.  Large gatherings for any kind of entertainment are still closed.  For the most case, in Oregon, we have a limit of 10 persons per gathering, regardless if it is a private gathering or a public gathering.  These kinds of restrictions are ongoing across the globe.


So what does God think of all of this?  Does he even care anymore about the suffering of the people?  Does he hear the cries of the hopeless people asking 'why'?  Can he or will he, move to end the suffering? 


God has watched the suffering of people since the beginning of time.   He also knows that much of the suffering is of our own free will.  As humans, we have chosen to turn our backs on God.  We have chosen not to follow him and his way.  We have obliterated him from the minds of the children and then we wonder why the children are up in arms, are disrespectful, are lost in their own selfish desires and wants.  All across the nations, God has been booted out of the lives of the people yet when there is suffering they turn their screams and cries to him and ask him to end the suffering.  As he hears the people call out to him, his heart of compassion comes along side of them.  He has not walked away from them, ever, but they have walked away from him.  It does not mean he has stopped loving them, ever.  It means he will only come to the aid of the people when they cry out to him and ask for his help. 


Over and over throughout time and throughout scripture we have heard the stories of the lost people coming back to the Father.  Mostly it happens during a time of suffering.  When the people of Israel were held in slavery by the Egyptians they had no choice but to do as their slave masters told them.  If they did not, they were killed.  They suffered for 400 years as slaves to the rulers of Egypt.  But the time came when God responded to the cries and led them out of slavery.  It was a tough road with many more years of hardship but they were no longer slaves.


Exodus 6:6 (NIV)

Therefore, say to the Israelites:  I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. I will free you from being slaves to them, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgment.


Will it take 400 years for God to hear the cries of his people again?  I have no idea, but it is a possibility.  The United States was built on the premises of faith and freedom.  That was 400 years ago this year.  But America stayed faithful to God up until 50 years ago.  As America walked away from God we watched the people of the nation fall into pits of evil and hellish ways.  The people became selfish and killed their unborn children in the womb.  Both sexes became selfish and lusted after their own kind.  All became obsessed with money and power.  The spiral to hell has continued and is now spinning so fast that one cannot keep up with the evilness and vileness of the human being. 


As I see it today, the people of America and the people of the world will continue in their suffering and mostly because of their own doing.  You can't blame God when you don't believe in God.  You can't expect God to help you when you never thanked him for the good things in life.  I would like to be writing a more positive word than words of a bleak future.  I'd like to be a shining light for God filled with words of hope, encouragement, and a pleasant future.  Instead, I am here writing about a suffering people and a God who may chose not to alleviate any of the current suffering.  For 400 years, in just one story, he did not help.  There is another story of the destruction of Jerusalem and the people taken into slavery by the Babylonian nation.  They lived in slavery for 70 years during that period of suffering. 


Jeremiah 15:2 (NIV)

And if they ask you, ‘Where shall we go?’ tell them, ‘This is what the Lord says: “‘Those destined for death, to death; those for the sword, to the sword; those for starvation, to starvation; those for captivity, to captivity.’


I guess my best hope today is that American's only suffer for 70 years and not 400 years. I don't want to be known as a follower of Christ with only bad news on my lips.  What I would like for God to do in this day and age of suffering is to melt the hearts of those with hard hearts.  To make himself known to the god-hater.  To find a way to speak to those who feel alone in their hopelessness.  To raise up and army of believers to take back what evilness has destroyed.  To bring the people back to their knees before him.  I would like to hear of and see revival in the hearts of the lost and those who have walked away from God.


The God that I know can do this.  He can make a way to do this, but only if it is his will to do so.  6 months, 70 years, or 400 years God can make changes in and to the lives of the people he loves.  Our part is to be patient, pray, and watch and see what God can do.


The following scripture in the book of Revelation repeats the words from Jeremiah, but then God added the last sentence to give us hope.  Hope in him and his plan.


Revelation 13:10 (NIV)

“If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity they will go. If anyone is to be killed with the sword, with the sword they will be killed.” This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of God’s people.

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