Tuesday, December 21, 2021

A Peculiar People


Our ladies Power of Twelve group is focusing on the word "chosen" this month. I reminded them that when the Lord began the group in 2018 we were all "chosen" to be a part of this plan of the Lord as well as His kingdom! The scripture reference for the word is;

Matthew 22:14, "For many are called, but few are chosen."

Each month I search scripture for added verses with the word. This led me to another scripture with the word "chosen" in it,

I Peter 2:9, (KJV) "But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people,".

But it was the word peculiar that stuck in my spirit. Why are we a peculiar people? Why does God choose peculiar people to be his own special, chosen possession? I dive off into Hebrew and Greek translations and definitions, searching scripture, and asking the Holy Spirit to help me understand why we are a peculiar people in His eyes.

The King James Version uses the word "peculiar" while some of the other versions use the words,

"special people",

"special possession",

"God's own people",

"God's instruments",

"God's special treasure".

(Sorry, this is where my English transformational grammar classes in school get the better of me! Verbs, adverbs, adjectives, nouns, pronouns, etc. Please bear with me. )

I am picky about the translation of certain words in the Bible and feel the need to dig into why God uses certain words in His inspired word to His people. I looked up the word in the Hebrew language which is what the Jewish people spoke and wrote in in the Old Testament. "Peculiar" in the Hebrew language of the Old Testament is the word "segullah" which means peculiar treasure, special, jewel, particular treasure.

Deuteronomy 26:18 uses the word peculiar. "and the LORD hath avouched thee this day to be his peculiar people, as he hath promised thee, and that thou shouldest keep all his commandments".

The New Testament was originally written in Greek then translated into English. The word "peculiar" in 1 Peter 2:9 is the Greek word "peripoiesis" and I am not going to try to pronounce it. The definitions of Greek peripoiesis include, "acquisition, preservation, obtain, peculiar, purchased, possession, saving". But it is only the word "peculiar", used in the KJV, which has another tiny Greek word tied to it as a primary preposition (word before). In Greek it would have looked like this when translating "peculiar" in 1 Peter 2:9 - eis peripoiesis. (εἰς περιποίησις actual Greek language).

The Greek word is spelled "eis", pronounced "ice". The Strong's Concordance definition of "eis" is a little word packing a lot of definition. Among the Strong's definitions for this little primary preposition "eis" are these;

to or into (indicating the point reached or entered), of place, time, or purpose





+ continual,

+ far more exceeding,

in (among, at, unto, -so much that, -to),

to the intent that,

+ of one mind,

(so) that,






Greek: eis peripoiesis. εἰς περιποίησις

My English translations: Abundantly preserved. Continually treasured. Saved possession. Among the purchased. Therefore acquired. Obtained into His Royal Priesthood.

Oh, my I could go on with all of the different Holy Spirit translations!

We, who know the Lord God and follow His teachings, are a peculiar people. A special treasure. A chosen generation. Something different than what the world offers. We think differently. We speak differently. We believe differently and rightly so! We are not of this world once we choose to heed the call of the Creator. Once we feel in our spirit that we need what He has to offer. Once we decide to leave the world behind and follow His path. Once our heart and spirit becomes one with Him. Peculiar. Special. Treasure. Jewel. Preserved. Saved.

What a life change for any person who has been chosen to be one of God's peculiar people! Being chosen is one of our greatest gifts from a Father who loves and adores His peculiar people.

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