Friday, December 31, 2021


 December 31, 2021 – WORLD DOMINANCE

I have been reading and learning (from many different sources) about the World Economic Forum (WEF) and their Young Global Leader (YGL) program established in 1992 which has graduated many of the wealthiest people of the world from their program.  Since 1993 elite, rich, and potentially influential people who, at that time of application into the program are under the age of 38, are allowed into the program after being properly vetted.  Hundreds of these graduates are highly involved with the global reset being implemented in today's world.  They are in top positions of leadership and have all the money in the world at their disposal since hundreds of them are the wealthiest in the world. The WEF and the YGL are non-profit organizations with trillions of dollars invested by the richest people in the world for over 50 years now.

WEF was formed in 1971 by Klaus Schwab (of the Rockefeller family and money). In 1992 the WEF began an internal program called Global Leaders of Tomorrow which changed to the name Young Global Leaders (YGL) in 2004 when they revamped the program. According to economist Richard Werner (2003 graduate) the program was closed down and rebooted as a more controllable group because there started to be too many people asking difficult questions in the forum. (I would love to find some of those questions!)

The young leadership program suggests in its literature that “a globalized world is best managed by a self-selected coalition of multinational corporations, governments and civil society organizations which it expresses through initiatives like the "Great Reset and the "Global Redesign".”  

You will recognize some of this handful of elite names who graduated from this world leadership program in the past 30 years and are still active alumni.  There are over 1400 YGL graduates:

-Angela Merkel, Global Leaders for Tomorrow Class of 1992.

-Gavin Newsom, Young Global Leaders Class of 2005.

-Emmanuel Macron, Young Global Leaders Class of 2017.

-Peter Buttigieg, Young Global Leaders Class of 2019.

-Bill Gates, Global Leaders for Tomorrow Class of 1993. (#4 richest in the world).

-Jeff Bezos, Global Leaders for Tomorrow Class of 1998. (#2 richest in the world).

-Mark Zuckerberg, graduation year not listed but he is on the WEF/YGL website. (#7 richest in the world)

-Tony Blair, Global Leaders for Tomorrow Class of 1993 (prior UK Prime Minister)

-Bono (entertainer), Global Leaders for Tomorrow Class of 1993

-Vladimir Potanin (Not Putin) Global Leaders of Tomorrow Class of 1997 (10th richest in the world)

-Richard Branson, Global Leaders for Tomorrow Class of 1993

-Marcus Wallenberg, Global Leaders for Tomorrow Class of 1994

-Eric Schmidt (Alphabet/Google) Global Leaders of Tomorrow Class of 1997

-Larry Page (Alphabet/Google) Global Leaders of Tomorrow Class of 2002 (#8 richest in world)

On the WEF/YGL webpages they are fully open about what they plan to accomplish through a one world order, who will be in charge of the world, and why you and I do not qualify.  They do not seem to hide too much of their plan for global dominance.  Their annual reports explain much.

I used the WEF and YGL websites and many others (i.e.,, Wikipedia and Wikispooks) and the website below for info and many links.

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