Saturday, April 16, 2022

God Made Man

 'Then the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into the man’s nostrils, and the man became a living person. '
Genesis 2:7

I love the word of God.  There is so much deep inside of the verses set before us and there are times He will lead us to search the meaning.  Today I fell on this beautiful scripture that records the first man the God created.

These words came to Moses from the Father and were recorded.  Moses would have used a Hebrew form of language and most of the words have more than one meaning.  I wanted to study the words dust and ground that the first man was formed from and see what the Holy Spirit might reveal.

The first man is whom we call Adam because the Hebrew words for man is adam, pronounced awdawm.  The meaning of awdawm is ruddy (having a redness), human, the species of mankind, person, man.  The word awdawm is derived from the other Hebrew word adam, pronounced awdam, which means to show blood, turn rosy, ruddy, red.  From these words we can understand that the verse says  "Then the Lord God made adam", a man with red blood.  

This adam, man, was made from the "dust of the ground". The Hebrew word dust is aphar, pronounced awfar, meaning dust (powder, gray) ashes, clay, earth, ground.  The word gray puzzled me.  Why would the color gray be a part of the meaning of the word dust?  Because dust is gray and has no life.  It is dry and barren of life. Ashes are the same being nothing but a gray powder. 

Moving to the word ground, it is the Hebrew word adamah, pronounced adawmaw.  Adamah means soil, earth, land, ground but is derived from a second Hebrew word adam, pronounced awdam, having the meaning of blood, red.

God the Father took some of the dry, lifeless gray dust, a pile of ashes, from the earth He had just created the week before and formed man, adam in the Hebrew language.  Then the miraculous happened. The Father breathed the breath of life into the nostrils of His man.   The soil, the earth, the ground, the gray dust He had gathered became blood red, ruddy, and the dust was gray and lifeless no longer.

When Father God breathed life into the nostrils of the adam he became a living soul.  Adam had become a living, breathing, blood red, person, body, life, a single individual man.  What was moments before, only gray lifeless dust, been changed into a red blooded soul breathing life.  The Father had made the perfect adam from His new earthly creation.  He had made this adam in His image to share all this creation with and specifically placed adam into a garden He had made to the east of where He had created adam in a place He called Eden. I love that the word Eden means fenced, delicate, delightful, pleasurable garden.  The Father had made the perfect home for His man, His Adam.

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