Sunday, July 10, 2022

Discourage, Encourage, Courage

These words just popped into my head while preparing for our Power of Twelve meeting in a few hours.  Three words with so much difference in meaning.

It seems like each time I am preparing myself for a meeting and wanting the Holy Spirit to move in our time together, a bit of discouragement comes on me.  I throw it aside as fast I can but nonetheless it comes into my mind.  I think about the ladies who will not be attending due to circumstances of life and then wonder who else will not come.  The questions come at me, are they tired of the group, is it not fulfilling to them spiritually, did I say something wrong that offended them, does it not meet their needs of encouragement any longer? Every time it is some kind of question and usually it's an attack on me, that I am not doing something right or that I am not hearing from the Lord in a positive uplifting way and therefore it's not apparent when we gather. When I feel a bit of discouragement it generally passes quite fast as I pray to the Lord and ask him to tell me something positive or to give me joy that I am doing his will by opening my home and continuing on in his plan for these women, whomever they are, that do come into my home to have love and fellowship, even if it is only a few!

Once I come to the Lord in prayer and seek him, the encouragement comes!  I just got the sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, and cleaning the toilet done and I feel at peace!  He has encouraged me to clean up and get prepared for my sisters to come.  All of these women mean so much to me and to my life.  They each have such a special place in my heart for being a part of my life and this group and I know the Lord feels even more encouragement than I.  He smiles with pride that month after month we gather for this small amount of time and share him and our hearts with one another!  He is in love with us as much as we are in love with him.  That is one of the most beautiful things about all of this.  The love!! His love, our love for him and our love for one another. We are sisters in the Lord seeking him and his encouragement is so apparent in our lives.  Look at all the love that is in our lives on a day to day basis.

Then I think of the word courage.  I never had the courage that I have now to speak up and speak out about Jesus Christ, the savior of all.  I would love to be one who could shout it from a rooftop but feel I am too old for that kind of experience.  Therefore I am led to shout it out to this group of sisters and to share the words he gives me to share.  Each one of them have different things happening in their lives that are not pleasant.  Each one of them have trials and tribulations.  Each one of them has people that bring them sorrow but also people who bring them joy.  If I can help them focus on the joy, then hallelujah.  If I can speak a word of encouragement, then hallelujah.  If I can speak a word of wisdom, hallelujah!  I know that sometimes I am out on social media speaking words that are not encouraging and I hope that each one of them forgive me for my discouraging words.  I have lots of faults and hope my sisters still love me when my human nature and mouth are not so encouraging.  God knows I beat myself up enough over some of my words and he also informs me when I have overstepped my bounds.  Sometimes it takes courage to admit one needs to be silent and let him speak to souls without my help.  

The Lord does not want us to be discouraged.  He wants us to have the courage to encourage those who have not accepted Jesus as their savior.  He wants us to love the lost.  Love the sinner for all of us are sinners who he paid the price of salvation for.  He just loves us that much and encourages us to do the same out there in this crazy world, one day at a time!!

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