Thursday, April 6, 2023


I believe that every single person who has a working mind and is old enough to understand that they are a human being here on planet earth, will ask either themselves or others why they were born.  At one point in time they will seek an answer as to why they are here, why they are alive and breathing, and what is the reason for being them being here.  Some will search many years for the answer year after year, sometimes until they die.  Some will find the answer.  Some will hear.  Some will not.  Some will quit asking.  Some will lead others by their own truth of this question.  Some answers will be the correct answer and some will not.


Human beings are very strange beings.  Most of want their needs met.  They want what they want and they will kill others to get it.  Some humans are more passive souls and will not hurt others to get what they want.  They might lie and cheat and steal but they will not intentionally harm another human being.  Some will find their answers in a substance that will numb their mind so they do not have to think about life especially the terrible parts of life caused by other human beings or the elements of this globe spinning in the universe that can bring about natural destruction. 


Today we live in a world where a majority of the people think they have the right to anything and everything they want.  Whether is be a need, a right, or an opinion it is theirs and no one can tell them otherwise.  If you do not agree with this than you are the one in the wrong.  They will tell you that you have no right to judge them.  You have no right to speak anything other than what they believe.  They will rise up against anyone and everyone who tries to deny them of their beliefs and their morals.  They will not bend or admit there could be another way or that others even matter. They will fight for every single thing in their life.  Fighting in life is not what any of us should want to do.


I am a believer that Jesus of Nazareth was God in human form who came to earth to save people from themselves.  I believe he walked the earth for approximately 33 years and told of a way to live life on earth in a peaceful, hope filled way.  I believe he was the Christ, the Messiah spoken of in the books of the Old Testament.  I believe the Bible is the inspired word of God for a world that is evil and sinful.  A world that does not show the peace, love and hope of a Creator that made human beings in the likeness of him.  I believe the books of the New Testament fully show that Jesus was God and that his followers were, and still are, inspired by the power of the Holy Spirit of God.  At this point in my life I have no doubt of who Jesus is and he is who he said he was.

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