Tuesday, June 13, 2023


 Our Power of Twelve word for this month is "called" and the scripture reference is 1 Corinthians 7:20 which says,

"Each person should remain in the life situation to which he was called.

As I first pondered this I was wondering what is the Apostle Paul trying to tell us.  Why did he advise us to stay where we were when we heard Jesus calling out to us to come to him and be saved?  Wouldn't we need to start changing our lives, become better and to do better?  What if we are in a terrible part of our lives when God gets our attention and tell us to leave the world behind and become a part of his kingdom and family?  Why would God want us to stay right there where He found us in our lives of sin?  Didn't God want us out of our world of sin?  Yes.  He does.  But this verse must be read in the context of the entire chapter. Also note the word "should" in this verse.  The King James version (the original version) and the New King James version do not have the word should.  Many other versions say "should".  More about that later.

As I read the entire chapter and did some research I began to understand Paul was addressing the Corinthian church about marriage and sex.  Verses 1 - 16 tells them that only married couples should be having sex and that each one should stay in the marriage even if only one is a believer when that one person is called.  That one believer could be how the other partner can also hear the call to salvation.  Paul then goes on to explain in verse 20 that the one who is called needs to stay right where they are and not leave the life situation they are currently living in.  Just because one has been called to salvation you do not leave your spouse.  They are free to leave, but the believer is not.

In verses 12-14 Paul explain that the believer in the household "sanctifies" the entire household.  The word sanctifies means to be holy.  God's holiness resides upon the entire household because of the faith of the one believer.  God's favor is upon the household of the believer and all who reside there in the family.  The marriage contract is sacred to God and He is the one who wants us to stay with the partner we married no matter what.  The exception to this is adultery.

The word "should" is in this translation but when looking at the original translation the scripture says,

"Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was called." (KJV)

God is instructing us to  remain right where we are when He called us to salvation.  God gives a condition that if there is adultery or the unbeliever leaves the marriage then the marriage contract is broken and the believer is free of that contract.

Chapter 7 of First Corinthians is almost entirely in regards to the life situation of marriage (he does speak to slaves so that may pertain to where we work?) and remaining in a marriage to a non-believer.  You may have been "called" by the Lord to salvation but your spouse has not heard that calling…..yet.  Who knows what kind of impact you can have on your unbelieving spouse?

God knows!  He wants us to stay (remain) where we are and watch and see what miracles God can do in marriages, families, jobs and our entire lives. When God "called" each of us He always knew the plan and the purpose for when, where and how.  We trust in Him and His wisdom.

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