Wednesday, January 24, 2024


 Believe.  What a word.  I'm sorry I am sort of a nerd and want to get to the basis of why we use certain words. The dictionary definition of word believe is:

a: to consider to be true or honest (ie. believe the reports or you wouldn't believe how long it took)

b: to accept the word or evidence of (ie. I believe you or I couldn't believe my ears)

c:: to hold as an opinion (ie. I believe it will rain soon)

Luke 8:50 says, 'But when Jesus heard it , he answered him, saying, Fear not: believe only, and she shall be made whole. '

As believers of Jesus Christ, that He is who He said He is, the Son of God, God in flesh, we believe that every word He spoke is truth.  We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God written by men but truth by the power of the Holy Spirit.  But right before Jesus told Jairus that his daughter would life, He said, "Fear not".  This is where the truth lies.  As human beings we know there are liars, cheaters, frauds, deceivers, and evil people in the world and we do not trust many.  We have been led astray many times and therefore we have fear that the truth is not what we are hearing.  How do we believe when we have been tricked and duped so many times in our lives?

We do not put our faith and trust in people.  We put our faith and trust in God alone.  Only by the power of the Holy Spirit will we be able to endure the trials of the day.  Only by the power of the Holy Spirit will we hear God and know that He will guide us and be with us even when the world is against us.  To believe is to trust.  On this earth we cannot trust what someone says.  We cannot trust what someone does.  We cannot trust people as they will let us down, they will hurt us, they will take advantage of us, they will look out for their selfishness first.  It is the way of the world and we are in this world whether it be the good or the bad.

Mark 11:24 (NKJV)

Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.

Romans 10:9 (NKJV)

that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

Mark 9:23 (NKJV)

Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”

The above verses are just a few of the scriptures which teach and speak of how and what to believe.  Unbelievers cannot comprehend how the believer can believe in these words.  The unbeliever lives in a world where there is no hope, there is no peace, there is no faith in anything they cannot see or understand, there is nothing but trouble in life.  But the believer knows the heart of God the Father who created us in His image.  We know that He is for us and not against us.  We know that He gives us divine protection against the Satan, the enemy of our souls.  Satan is out to steal, kill and destroy all belief we may have.  He is the one who puts the doubts, fears and anxiety of life into our minds unless we continually ask the Lord to guard us and protect us from the evilness of this world.

Believers believe.  When the doubts creep in we seek the Lord and He calms our fears.  I wish I could tell you that someday you will not have any fears or doubts and that you will be able to trust the people in your life but that is not the way things work in this world.  

Jesus says, "Fear not. Believe only."  That is all we can do and what we do in every single day.

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