Saturday, January 27, 2024


In the beginning when Adam and Eve were in the garden they disobeyed.  They made a choice to do something the Father had said not to do.  Of course they placed blame elsewhere just as people do all these thousand and thousands of years later.  Eve blamed the serpent who was possessed by Satan in serpent form.  Adam blamed Eve because she gave the fruit of the forbidden tree to him.  Both Adam and Eve made the choice to disobey the direct command of God. Human sinful and willful nature destroyed the paradise God had intended for his creation of both mankind and animal. 

The price they paid for their disobedience was very heavy.  God banned them from living in Eden.  Eden was perfect and they were now imperfect and only more damage and disobedience would come if He had let them stay there.  There was a price to be paid just as there is always a price paid for disobedience and sin against God's instructions and words.

Satan is still having his head crushed by the believer who holds tight to the promises of God.  He knows that Jesus paid the final price with His blood and that those who have accepted Jesus as their savior, Christ and Messiah know the victory of eternal life has been won.  Those who walk with Jesus know beyond any doubt that they are forgiven and their names are written in the Book of Life for all eternity.  Death on earth is just another part of the journey back to Eden.

Men are still blaming women for all their problems and for all the trouble and turmoil in their lives instead of facing the truth that they each have a choice how to react to a woman.  How to talk to a woman.  How to love a woman.  They want to blame the woman for the lust of their eyes.  They want to blame the woman for leading them astray.  They do not want to face the truth that they were too selfish to say "No" and stick with that answer.

Women are still blaming men, children and Satan for leading them off the path of goodness and mercy. Women want to blame anyone and anything at any time for their own inadequacies.  They blame weakness.  They blame lack of superiority.  They blame other women.  They blame God for making them less than men.

I know this may all sound a bit harsh but read Genesis 3:12-13;

'The man said, “The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.” Then the Lord God said to the woman, “What is this you have done?” The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.” '

Man blamed woman.  Woman blamed the serpent.  The serpent was silent because he had done the damage intended and caused the fall of mankind into sin and apart from God.

Each one of us are responsible for our actions, then and now.  Each one of us have a choice to follow God and what He says is moral, good and acceptable in His eyes.  Each one of us can blame others all we want for our trials, tribulations, and troubles but the truth is, at some point in time, we have no one to blame but ourselves for our decisions to lead a life pleasing to God or pleasing to only ourselves. 

 They are called choices for a reason.

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