Thursday, May 26, 2011

Memorial Day Rain and Other Things

Do people really blog every day and have interesting things to blog about?  I suppose if their life is full to the brim and they are constantly involved in hundreds of things then they might have something to blog about every day.  I also guess if a person is filled with wisdom and insight and want to jot down their thoughts of the day then they could blog every day.  Me, it looks like I find a little to write about every couple of weeks.  Look out I come....slowly and not too invasive. LOL

May 26th and the rain is coming down.  Of course it would rain for Memorial Weekend.  I remember the camping trips in the rain.  Not good.  I lost it many times because of the mud, wet clothes, 6 of us cramped into the trailer.  Oh you get the picture and if you don't get the picture you should try it.  What an adventure!

Now life is quiet and dull.  And that is not bad at this age.  All of the the camping, weekend activities, running from here to there, going, going, going, it is all for the young ones.  Right now the wind is blowing, the rain is coming down, the woodstove is warm and I am comfy in my chair.  Ah, Memorial Weekend in the rain.  It's not quite as bad as I remember.

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