Monday, May 2, 2011

Vacations and Family

A break from work is good! If you take a vacation and stay home you don't really get a break because if you are like me, you work at home on projects you couldn't get done during the work week.  So my idea of vacation is to leave home.

Part of my family, daughter and her family, live over 200 miles away so I love spending vacation time near them.  They are busy and life for them, with 4 kids is constantly moving, but just being close and involved in a few things is great.  All 4 grandkids spent the first night of our vaction with us and we packed it with swimming, walks, shopping, food, movies and just time together.  It was only 24 hours but it was good!  At least for me it was.  Grandmothers love being with their grandchildren!!

I am looking forward to the rest of the week relaxing and spending time near the family.  I am blessed daily but extra blessed this week!!

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