Friday, April 22, 2011

The Sun Is Shining And Life Is Whirling

It's a beautiful day on the Oregon Coast!  The sun is out and it is warmer than yestersday.  We have all needed some sunshine and here it comes.  But it is funny that though the sunshine is out it is still a whirlwind of a day.  That would be because of my job.

I do love my job.  I love my friends at work and I love the work I do.  I work for the City.  I work for the City Manager.  I work for the urban renewal agency.  Right now we are working on the budget.  Budgets can be a bear and of course everyone knows this because of what does or doesn't happen at the federal and the state levels.  We are just a little city and it is still a whirlwind.  Trying to make all of the pieces fit is hard and sometimes it is even harder.

Right now we are trying to figure out my job.  That makes it a bit more stressful for me since it is my livelyhood we are looking at.  Not only that but my job was not an issue until today and the budget needs to be ready in just a couple of days to present to a committee.  Arghhhhhh.  I'm not worried but I do feel sorry for my manager who has to have it worked out and ready to present.  Not only that but he and I will need to discuss it prior to that and come to some kind of agreement concerning my wages.

I will spend the next couple of days looking at this from my perspective and then on Monday we will look at it from his perspective and hopefully we are both on the same page or close.  Today things are in a whirl but I am hoping by then everything will be peaceful.  Time to wait and see.

I wonder if the sun will be shining or if the rain will be back.  Whatever will be will be.

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