Sunday, March 26, 2023

Eleventh Hour

We all struggle in life. Whether we follow the Lord for 4 years or 40 years there are still struggles. Jesus tells us to pick up our cross daily but he also says to give him our burdens and he will carry them. Carrying the cross of Jesus should not be a burden, it should be a desire, an act of obedience.


Our Power of Twelve word this month is persevere. It’s such an appropriate word for me since it’s been 6 months since Jerry died. For 6 months I have had to get out of bed every morning and learn how to do one more day as a single person. There is no helpmate any longer. There is no companion any longer. There is no Mr. To my Mrs. any longer. It’s just me. I know the Lord wants me to persevere because he loves me. He has more in store for my life. So I continually listen, watch and wait for him to tell me and show me where it is we are going in this new phase of life.


The Holy Spirit moves and we watch if we have our hearts and minds focused. There are times we question if he hears us and sees us and then at the 11th hour, with 59 minutes and 59 seconds he shows himself in full glory! We are just at the verge of giving up and then he’s there. We have reached the end of our rope and he is there. We have endured all we can endure and we have persevered for as long as we possibly can and he shows himself. It’s amazing how he will let us go to the very edge of the cliff, not to tempt us to jump, but to show us the grandeur of life in front of us to the fullest. He allows us to span the horizon of our life and see the magnificent beauty set before us. There he is in all his glory standing by our side saying,


“See? This is all for you. This is the beauty of your life. This is what you and I have done together. Sorry it seemed to take so long and sorry there had to be difficult times.”


My own life has been filled with lonely desert experiences, brief mountain top glimpses, lots of seasons working in the field, and thankfully very few dark valley days. In each one of those experiences he has been with me. He promised to never leave me. He promised not to turn his back on me and forsake me. He promised to love me for eternity. I believe him!


I hope you will too even if he shows up right on time for you or helps you persevere until 11:59:59999999.

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