Friday, April 15, 2011

April 15 and still raining!

So here it is April 15 and raining...still!  I decided today to create this blog and write.  We each, at one time or another, feel the need to express ourselves.  There are people who jump out of airplanes as an expression.  There are others who climb the highest peak they can find.  Others create something beautiful. 

I live in Oregon.  You have probably heard it rains in Oregon.  Oregon is really green at least where I am, on the coast.  We get about 90 inches of rain a year.  That's a lot of rain!  And then when it is not raining it is cloudy and grey.  But on the days the sun is shining the colors are magnificent!  The blue of the sky is the exact shade of blue God intended it to be.  The many shades of green are amazing.  The colors of the rivers are from almost navy to turquoise.  The colors of the Pacific Oceans as well as the shores of the beaches are incredible!  The mountains in the Coast Range are rugged and impressive.  I absolutely love it here! 

But it rains!  I write on rainy days.  My expression of me.

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