Saturday, April 16, 2011

Baby Showers and Birthday Parties

There are months and months that go by without a baby shower or a birthday party.  Then they come in one day.  And at the exact same time frame.  Figures. In preparation for these 2 events I have thought about both. 

A new baby coming into a family is so exciting, most of the time.  Whether planned or unplanned it is a huge event and it can be scary.  This new baby coming to my friends is their first child.  A girl.  I know she will be a joy and bring them happiness unspeakable.  She will bring some tears in the years ahead also.  The parents are strong in the Lord and will be able to handle all that comes their way.  This little family will be blessed for God is with them.

The birthday party is for a wonderful 6 year old boy I have watched grow all these years. Though he is shy and quiet he a light in his family already.  His dark, dancing eyes and bright, brillent smile light up a room and a heart.    He will have a wonderful testimony one day as the story of him and his mother coming into the lives of my best friend and her family is incredible.  The hand of God moved and they were here.  It is a beautiful story.

I do love baby showers because I love babies.  They are faith, hope and love all rolled up into one beautiful, little bundle.  I do love birthday parties especially for the children.  The excitement they bring into the lives of family and friends and the joy of watching them grow is fulfilling, inspiriational and incredible.

I am blessed to be a part of both of these events today!!

1 comment:

  1. Deb, I love you, thank you for blogging, it was beautiful!
