Sunday, April 17, 2011

Palm Sunday

Church was beautiful this morning.  The Triumphal Entry of Jesus in Jerusalem was the topic of the morning from worship through the sermon.  It always amazes me how the Holy Spirit moves and aligns the worship part of the service with the teaching part and nobody even compares notes beforehand.

Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the back of a baby donkey.  He did not come in on a huge, white stallion waving a broad, gleaming sword before his followers.  He rode in on a little, baby colt.  He could not have come into town more humbly.  The people shouted "Hosanna to the King!"  The people shouted at the man they knew was coming to save them from their oppressors.  They knew He was going to overthrow the Roman government that had caused them so much grief and hardship.  Little did they know what the week ahead would bring.

This week I will think about the week Jesus had.  I will think about the price He paid.  I will think about what happened after He died on the cross.  Humbly He died for me and for my sins.  He is my King!

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