Tuesday, August 22, 2023


I am reading a book about the Spirit of God which has brought questions to mind.  We call Him "The" Holy Spirit.  Why do we call Him 'the' Holy Spirit?  He is a personage of God.  We don't call God, "The God".  We don't call Jesus, "The Jesus".  His name is God.  His name is Jesus. His name is Holy Spirit or Spirit of God.  Throughout the Bible He is called Spirit in 111 verses, Holy Ghost in 89 verses, and also Spirit of God, Spirit of the Lord, Spirit of Truth, and Spirit of Christ.   

When we are talking about what He does, we say things like, "by the power of the Holy Spirit" and this is the correct way to use the word 'the". When we use His name in a sentence and we talk to Him on a personal level He is Holy Spirit.  He is Spirit of God and the other names mentions.

When He becomes a personal friend and confidant He is Comforter.  He is Advocate.  He is Breath of God.  He is Strong Tower.  He is Defender.  He is Mighty Warrior. He is Lover of our souls.  He is God in us, speaking to us, being with us, guiding and teaching.  We can cry out to Him when we are suffering and He is with us with arms tight around us.  When we are joyful and happy He is smiling and laughing with us and pleased with us.  He brings contentment and joy.  He brings peace and hope.  He brings us and shows us the Father's love.

I know I am probably making a big deal over this but it does bother me that we  seem to think of Him as lesser than the Father and the Son but we know that is not true.  Our God is One God.  He is three in One.  Each person of the Godhead is as omnipotent and omnipresent as the other.  We know we are body, soul and spirit and we are one human being.  We are created in His image in the same way.  Just as He is, without one of those parts we are not a full human being.  A body empty of soul and spirit is just that, empty.  God, without  Son and Spirit cannot be the great I AM.  God Almighty.  Creator of the Universe. 

Here is my prayer for today;

Holy Spirit come and be my rest for the day.  Fill me with your presence and show me your ways to love others.  Keep my family and friends safe in your arms. I  love you Holy Spirit and thank you for always covering me and loving me even when I was selfish and disobedient.  Fill me more and more with your words of wisdom and knowledge.  Amen!

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