Sunday, December 20, 2020

What Salvation Means

What Salvation Means 

Our Power of Twelve ladies group has the word ‘salvation’ (Isaiah 12:2) for the month so this week I have been asking the Lord to give me some insight into what that word means to the believer and why salvation is a key part of being a Christ Follower, a Christian, a believer and why salvation should be on the hearts and minds of all people on earth.


Merriam Webster defines salvation as follows:

·        deliverance from the power and effects of sin

·        the agent or means that effects salvation

·        liberation from ignorance or illusion

·        preservation from destruction or failure

·        deliverance from danger or difficulty

I love that the number one definition of salvation is deliverance from the power and effects of sin!  But liberation and preservation are of equal value to mankind.


Through Jesus Christ, the sins of the world are wiped clean.  Jesus said in Mark 8:35;

“For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it.”


Throughout the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, from the time of creation until the end of time, people needed, still need, and will need salvation.  Salvation from themselves.  Salvation from others.  Salvation from earthly life.  We need to be saved.  We want to be saved.  Every single person, at one time or another, during their life on earth, have cried out to be saved by someone or something.  Many look for another human being to be their savior only to find that person cannot save them, especially when death is lurking nearby.

The scriptures speak of a “strong tower”, a “refuge”, a “fortress”.   These are places where a person can go when they have fear of something or need protection from something or someone.  When a tornado, hurricane or horrific storm comes, people seek shelter from the storm in strong, reliable structures that can withstand the power of the storm.  People want to live, so people find the strongest place they can find shelter from the storm.

But where does that person go when the evilness of others comes to rob them of their lives and their possessions?  Where can one go to find peace from the troubles on earth?  Even if they hide themselves in a fortress or behind walls, the evilness is still there, waiting.  People living on earth cannot hide from the evil on earth.  They need to be saved.  They need a savior.  They need salvation.


The other definitions of salvation include the words; “deliverance”, “liberation”, “preservation”.What encouraging words to the person living in fear and what a blessing for those who find it!  All human beings want to be delivered from hopelessness, anger, hate, and fear.  They want to be liberated from oppression, cruelty, lies, and addiction. They want preservation from health issues, envy, jealousy, greed, and death.  All people are offered salvation from the sins and grief of this deadly world.  Jesus said all we need to do is come to Him.  He said to follow Him and His teachings while here on earth, recorded in the word of God.


Jesus says in Matthew 11:30; “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” We all know the weight of life and living can be overwhelmingly heavy.  Sometimes it is just too much to bear but Jesus offers to lighten the load by coming along side of us with His Spirit of peace and love.  In Matthew 11:28 He said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”  Be sure to notice the word “all”!  The invitation to come to Him for his salvation, His protection, His deliverance, His liberation is for all human beings.  The only action required on our part is to come to Him, to seek Him, to look for Him and to look at Him. 


People have to admit the need and want to be saved. They have to admit they cannot find salvation, deliverance, liberation, or protection on their own.  All have to admit the messes they have made for themselves.  People have to be willing to admit the terrible things they have done to others and the hurt and grief caused by these decisions and actions.  All people have said and done things that have caused tears.  All people have put their own selfish desires before the needs of others who are suffering.  As little children we have to be taught to share, give, and love.  Without these positive characteristics we are just like animals and live a life of kill or be killed.  We live a life focused only on ourselves and what gives us pleasure and could care less about others.  We live an empty existence without hope, peace, or love.  We die and become dust.


Human beings are born with a desire to live and to be protected from the perils of living on earth.  Human beings have a soul and a spirit even if they do not admit it to themselves.  Human beings need a savior.  Jesus Christ, God Himself, The Great I AM, Creator of the Universe, Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace, King of Kings, Lamb of God, came to walk on earth, was killed by the priests and the people because of His teachings of deliverance, protection, liberation, and salvation.  He taught love, peace, generosity, and selflessness.  He sacrificed His body, His life for everyone.  He gave all human beings salvation from the sins of this world by means of His sacrifice on the cross.  He was pure.  He never sinned.  He died for you and me so that we could have salvation from life, ourselves, and others.  He was the sacrifice needed to save the people of this world because human beings are sinful, selfish creatures. 


To ask for salvation is to ask to be saved.  When is the last time you asked yourself or someone if they are saved?  Saved from what?  Saved from themselves?  Saved from a miserable life?  Saved from cancer or the ravages of disease?  Saved from death?


Biblical prophecy in Revelation 7:10 tells us that at the end of time for this physical earth, a great multitude of human beings “from every nation, tribe, people and language”, will be standing before the throne of God  and before the Jesus the Sacrificial Lamb, and they will cry out; “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.”


John 14:6 (NIV)

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”


No fortress on earth will save you in the end. Jesus is the only way to salvation.  There is no other way. It is always a choice to believe or not that you can and will be saved after that last breath. 

Sunday, November 22, 2020

The Protection of God

 Our ladies Power of Twelve group has the word "protects" as our word of encouragement this month.  The word is from the scripture in Daniel 12:1 which says, 

At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people - everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered.

This part of Daniel is speaking a prophesy of the end times for the people on earth.  There is a great war taking place between the kingdoms on earth.  The very opening of that scripture tells us the Father will send the arch angel Michael to protect the chosen people of God.  How amazing is that?  Michael is the Chief Prince of all the angels in God's Angel Army.  We have no idea how many angels are in this army of God but in Luke 12:13 there was "a great company of heavenly host" which appeared to the shepherds in the fields when they announced the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.  In 2 Kings 12:17 the Lord protected Elisha by filling "the mountain full of horses and chariots of fire."  Riding the horses and driving the chariots was the Angel Army of God.  When scripture speaks of a heavenly host this is referring to an army of angels who are messengers, protectors, fighters, those who come to the aid of God's chosen people.  These angels have over and over helped the people God chose to do His work on earth.  From the time of Adam and Eve until the time when the Apostle John is held captive on an island and prophesies about the end times, God has sent angels to minister to people.  Mary, Joseph, King David, Balaam, Paul, Elisha, Ezekiel, and so many others have seen and or heard from a Messenger of God.  These Messengers are angels of the Lord, sent by Him to relay a message or to protect and guide.  In Matthew 26:53, Jesus tell the disciples, "Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?"  In King David's time, each legion held 24,000 soldiers.  Twelve legions would be 288,000 soldiers.  In the Roman army, a legion could be anywhere from 3,000 (plus auxiliary soldiers, plus garrisons, plus guards, plus cavalry) to 6,000 soldiers putting the army count anywhere from 40,000 to over 100,000.  Jesus is saying in this scripture that He can call out hundreds of thousands of angels to assist Him with whatever He needs done!  In the end of times for earth, Revelation19:1 tells us; 

"After these things I heard a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying, “Alleluia! Salvation and glory and honor and power belong to the Lord our God!  

We have no idea how great a "great multitude" is, but with our Lord you can believe it is numerous, powerful, extraordinary, and beyond our wildest imagination.

Over and over throughout scripture and throughout our lives our Father God has protected us from harm.  He tells us repeatedly, He wants no harm to come to us.  He stands ready to guard us and keep us safe.  He will provide security for us in all ways.  Jeremiah 29:11 tells us, 

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Do you have faith in the word of God to His people?  

Have you seen times in your life that could have gone one way and caused you great harm but instead something happened to change the outcome of that instance?  

Have you ever had someone show up at just the right time to help you out of something that could have altered the course of your life?

Do you believe in miracles?

A true believer will be able to say yes to many of these questions and maybe yes to all of them.  People with faith and belief in a Father, a Creator, Almighty God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords know in their mind, their heart, their soul that He is real and really loves His children,  His people, those who are called by His Name!  They don't doubt His protection or His love.

When God sends a messenger, or a heavenly host, or an army of angels to His people He is making a way where there seems to be no way.  He is providing what is necessary for the times.  He is caringly and lovingly surrounding us with whatever is necessary to keep us safe.  Since the beginning of mankind the Father has used his angels in the lives of His people and He will not stop doing this for us until the end of times for this earth.  In the new heaven and earth the angels and the people will worship, praise and live joyfully for there will be no sorrow, no pain, no tears and no need for protection from the evil one.  We will be home with the Lord for ever and ever. 


Sunday, November 8, 2020

Doors (Revelation 3:20)

November 8, 2020 


Revelation 3:20 (ESV) -  Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.

The word “Doors” can mean different things.  Doors are meant to keep things out and they are meant to keep things in.  Some are actual real doors with hinges and door knobs.  Others are not physical doors, but doors to our emotions and feelings.  

We fling open physical doors to our family and our friends and invite them in.  We carefully open those same doors to strangers standing on the porch to see what they want or need.  We lock our doors when there is a possibility of trouble or at night to get a peaceful sleep.  

Each one of us have individual emotional and mindful doors. Often times we close doors when do not want to deal with an issue or a problem.  It’s easier to leave it on the other side of the door and not deal with it.  When we lose someone through relationship issues, have financial trouble, have health issues, or when we deal with actual death, we sometimes close those doors because the pain is too bearable to face. 

We have both physical and emotional doors that we hide things behind.  I have closet doors that hide stuff I have accumulated for decades.  I am ashamed for anyone to see all the stuff in those closets.  I have emotional doors that I am ashamed of.  The Lord knows the things hidden behind my emotional doors.

Many times in scripture we hear verses about Jesus knocking on the door and our response to open the door to Him is up to us.  We hear about the Bridegroom coming to the wedding, someone opens the door to Him and after he has entered, the door is then closed. Those who were invited to the wedding are on the inside while many others are left on the outside.  Those on the outside either did not respond to the RSVP for the wedding invitation or they decided the wedding was not important enough to attend. Regardless, they are on the outside of the closed door.

We also have scripture where the Lord asks us to go into our prayer closet to pray and to close the door.  These are the times when the Lord wants our undivided attention.   He wants to have a private one-on–one with us.  Many times as a parent I had to take a child aside and have a heart-to-heart chat about one thing or another.  The conversation was not for all ears to hear.  It was meant for a specific set of ears.  This is the same with the Lord.  He is our father, we are His child.  We can cast everything, both the good and the bad, before Him and know that He hears and understands it all.  He walks with us no matter what situation we are in. 

Jesus is not the kind of God who forces anyone to do anything.  He is filled with love for each one but allows us the free will to choose His way or not.  When we acknowledge Him as Christ our Savior we only need to trust Him with the physical doors of our lives and the emotional doors of our lives.  We just need to hold onto faith that He is for us, not against us.  That He is molding us into a better person.  That He will always love us no matter what. 

Saturday, October 3, 2020

The Social Media Dilemma

Today I watched a new documentary call "The Social Media Dilemma".  What an eye opener and what a tragedy for the future of humanity if things do not change in the minds and hearts of all human beings.  This documentary was done by those people who invented the social media platforms used by billions of people in the world today.  These people are worried about the future of mankind.

The following words are from my notes while watching.  I have put them in alphabetical order since they are actually all in the number one position of what I deemed important and what faces the entire scope of human beings on the planet today.  Each person must decide for themselves the importance of social media in the lives of those they care about.


Artificial intelligence (AI)













False information makes money










Self absorption

Self worth

Social media is a drug



Truth is boring

Users are associated with drugs and software





Friday, September 4, 2020

Covid 101

Life moves on and the days pass by, slowly.  Nothing is the same and none of us know who or what is pulling the strings of this bizarre time of life. 

It has been 6 months since the world shut down because of the corona virus.  Covid-19 is the name they have given it.  As of today there have been around 187,000 deaths attributed to the virus in just the USA.  But in just the past week we have learned that only 9,000 have died from the virus alone.  All of the others who have died had other conditions that were causing serious health issues for them prior to the virus showing up on earth.  I believe the corona virus, which is an influenza virus, was just the final blow for these people who were mostly older and mostly of ill health.  Across the globe over 800,000 have died and each death is being counted as a corona virus death.  There have been over 26.5 million positive cases of the virus worldwide.  This equates to roughly a 0.03% chance of dying from this flu virus and a .03% chance of testing positive.


At no time on earth has the entire human population been exposed to this amount of testing and with the planet now having a population of 7.8 billion people.  The testing of .032% of the world population is very minimal. But government officials have closed off their countries, closed down their cities, closed down their people for the most part.  Nations are in shut down.  People are out of work.  Children are not going to school.  People are required to wear masks when they are out in public.  People are required to stay 6 feet away from one other.  There are no large gatherings, at least legal gathering.  The riots and protests in large cities are another story.


We have come to a time in life where there are no answers to the questions.  From a religious perspective, I can live without the answers, though the questions are still on my mind. Why?  Why with such a minuscule amount of death from only one of a thousand diseases on the planet, have the leaders of nations jumped to this surreal way of handling this virus?  Is there something more sinister at work here? 


A very time long ago 50% of the population on the British Isles died of disease.  That was hundreds and hundreds of years ago and modern medicine has eradicated so many diseases in the past centuries.  Why are there so many modern doctors and medical experts so unraveled by this virus?  Because it is new?  The other corona viruses SARS (2003) and MERS (2012) never freaked them out to react with such devastating public consequences.  And by the way, there are no cures or vaccines for those corona viruses today.


It's a very weird time of life.  No one has solutions. No one has answers.  No one is telling us the whole truth.  Only God knows how this one will pan out in the end.  It will end though, one way or another.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

A letter to my Christian brothers and sisters - Take Heed

 August 29, 2020 - A letter to my Christian brothers and sisters:

If you say that you are a Christian are you doing your best to show others the love, kindness, and compassion of our Almighty Father?  Are you showing the world how Jesus would act and respond in such a time as this?  Are you doing your best to control your opinions, your words, and your actions, to exemplify our Savior?  Or are you Christian in name only and not in action?

I have been there.  I called myself a Christian the entire 8 years Obama was in office and yet I belittled him, called him names, spewed disrespect in my words and actions, and said with my own mouth that I hated him.  I lost several friendships over this type of action and rightly so.  I was not acting Christian in any sense and only hurting many of the people I called friend, even family.  I hope I will be forgiven by the Lord and the people I hurt with my words and actions back then. 

Fast forward, we moved in the President Trump era.  I hear many of my friends and family doing exactly to Trump what I had been doing to Obama and his people.  How can I be offended when I know that I did the same thing to another president?  How can I not forgive my Christian family and friends whose words and actions are far from being any kind of love or compassion when I did the same thing for 8 Obama years?  How can I call them Christian hypocrites when I was exactly the same? 

Nothing I did or said back in the Obama years changed anything that happened in our nation during that administration.  I spewed my hate for the man and it literally had no effect, whatsoever, on his time in office.  He didn’t hear me.  Those closest to him did not hear me.  99% of the nation did not hear me.  The only ones who heard me were the people in my tiny, little circle of life.  My unkind outspokenness only caused grief for some of my family and my friends. 

If you are a Christian and you are acting like I did, I implore you, don’t do it.  Don’t go there.  You will lose some of the people that have brought you joy and smiles throughout the years.  You will look back at yourself and wonder why you abandoned your Christian values over hatred and disrespect for a man you do not honestly know and never will.  You will never sit down and speak with the President of the United States and get to know him.  You do however know Jesus Christ if you are an honest to goodness follower of Christ.  He has told each of us to love one another, not hate those who we do not agree with in values, morals, or even political stance.  (John 13:34-35, Romans 12:10, I Peter 3:8).  He has told us not to judge the actions of others and let him take care of the world and the affairs of the world. (Matthew 7:1, Luke 6:37, Micah 5:15, Jeremiah 51:11).

The word “heed” is defined as; “pay careful attention to; take notice of.”  The words “heed” is in the NIV version of the Bible over 2,500 times.  Do you think the Lord was trying to get his point across to his people that we need to take heed of his words, our words, his actions, and our actions?  I am trying harder and harder these days to choose my words wisely or say nothing at all.  The only way we can save our relationships with family members and our relationships with friends and acquaintances is try our best not to offend with our words and our actions. I am far from getting it all right but I am trying.  If you are a Christian I hope you will try too.

Monday, August 17, 2020

They Lied

                                                        They Lied


They told God to get out of the schools.

They told God to get out of the government.

They told the people that sex outside of marriage was fine.

They told the people that homosexual sex was normal.

They told the people that men could marry men and women could marry women.

They told the people aborting an unborn child was nothing.

They told the people the government would take care of all their needs.

They told the people to stay home, not go to work, not go to school,

Avoid all human contact or you will die.

They lied.

They have been lying for decades.

Only God can save you now.

You had better find him before it is too late.

If you do know him, you’d better be talking to others and praying for the lost souls.

There are billions of them.


Proverbs 8:35

For those who find me find life and receive favor from the Lord.






 The people suffer and curse their image of god.

The people of the One True God call upon him for relief.

Has God abandoned His people?

Have His people abandoned Him?

Will the Father abandon His children?

Have the children of God walked away from Him?

How many days and years can God watch His people dishonor Him?

Many speak out of the love of God.

He is a God of love.

He is a God of wrath.

How can He be both love and wrath?

A father who loves his children will teach them discipline.

He will teach them that trials and failures bring strength.

He will allow each child a free will to accept or reject his teachings.

When a child turns their back to their father they are left to live their own life.

If the failures and trials become more than the child can bear, they suffer.

Suffering children have a choice to return to their father or continue in their suffering.

The return of the child to the father’s house brings joy to the father.

His arms are open and his love is apparent.

Just as the human father welcomes his child home, the Creator Father does the same.

He calls time and time again for His child to return to him.

His love is immeasurable and eternal.

His wrath and abandonment is the choice of the people.

People are free to choose love or wrath.

People are free to choose God or themselves.

Choose God and receive love and forgiveness.

Choose yourself and live with abandonment and wrath.


Matthew 11:28- 30

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Where Do We Go Now?

Sunday, August 2, 2020

3:00 PM


It is hard to understand what has happened this year.  Two years ago when my brain tumor was found, I was asking the same questions, but at that time it was for me personally.  This time it is about the entire planet and all of it's inhabitants, not just me.


The economies of all nations are suffering.  Most have lost more than 10% of it's economy and there seems to be no reprieve in sight. There are people who have lost everything.  They have lost their businesses.  They have lost their jobs.  They have lost their incomes.  As this moves forward, many will lose their homes.  They will have to start completely over.  Of course, that will not happen until businesses open at full capacity.  I honestly do not see that happening the remainder of this year and into the next year.  It will be a very slow recovery and the recovery has not even begun.  Most of the government restrictions are still in place across the world.  Schools are not reopening this month or next month.  Large gatherings for any kind of entertainment are still closed.  For the most case, in Oregon, we have a limit of 10 persons per gathering, regardless if it is a private gathering or a public gathering.  These kinds of restrictions are ongoing across the globe.


So what does God think of all of this?  Does he even care anymore about the suffering of the people?  Does he hear the cries of the hopeless people asking 'why'?  Can he or will he, move to end the suffering? 


God has watched the suffering of people since the beginning of time.   He also knows that much of the suffering is of our own free will.  As humans, we have chosen to turn our backs on God.  We have chosen not to follow him and his way.  We have obliterated him from the minds of the children and then we wonder why the children are up in arms, are disrespectful, are lost in their own selfish desires and wants.  All across the nations, God has been booted out of the lives of the people yet when there is suffering they turn their screams and cries to him and ask him to end the suffering.  As he hears the people call out to him, his heart of compassion comes along side of them.  He has not walked away from them, ever, but they have walked away from him.  It does not mean he has stopped loving them, ever.  It means he will only come to the aid of the people when they cry out to him and ask for his help. 


Over and over throughout time and throughout scripture we have heard the stories of the lost people coming back to the Father.  Mostly it happens during a time of suffering.  When the people of Israel were held in slavery by the Egyptians they had no choice but to do as their slave masters told them.  If they did not, they were killed.  They suffered for 400 years as slaves to the rulers of Egypt.  But the time came when God responded to the cries and led them out of slavery.  It was a tough road with many more years of hardship but they were no longer slaves.


Exodus 6:6 (NIV)

Therefore, say to the Israelites:  I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. I will free you from being slaves to them, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgment.


Will it take 400 years for God to hear the cries of his people again?  I have no idea, but it is a possibility.  The United States was built on the premises of faith and freedom.  That was 400 years ago this year.  But America stayed faithful to God up until 50 years ago.  As America walked away from God we watched the people of the nation fall into pits of evil and hellish ways.  The people became selfish and killed their unborn children in the womb.  Both sexes became selfish and lusted after their own kind.  All became obsessed with money and power.  The spiral to hell has continued and is now spinning so fast that one cannot keep up with the evilness and vileness of the human being. 


As I see it today, the people of America and the people of the world will continue in their suffering and mostly because of their own doing.  You can't blame God when you don't believe in God.  You can't expect God to help you when you never thanked him for the good things in life.  I would like to be writing a more positive word than words of a bleak future.  I'd like to be a shining light for God filled with words of hope, encouragement, and a pleasant future.  Instead, I am here writing about a suffering people and a God who may chose not to alleviate any of the current suffering.  For 400 years, in just one story, he did not help.  There is another story of the destruction of Jerusalem and the people taken into slavery by the Babylonian nation.  They lived in slavery for 70 years during that period of suffering. 


Jeremiah 15:2 (NIV)

And if they ask you, ‘Where shall we go?’ tell them, ‘This is what the Lord says: “‘Those destined for death, to death; those for the sword, to the sword; those for starvation, to starvation; those for captivity, to captivity.’


I guess my best hope today is that American's only suffer for 70 years and not 400 years. I don't want to be known as a follower of Christ with only bad news on my lips.  What I would like for God to do in this day and age of suffering is to melt the hearts of those with hard hearts.  To make himself known to the god-hater.  To find a way to speak to those who feel alone in their hopelessness.  To raise up and army of believers to take back what evilness has destroyed.  To bring the people back to their knees before him.  I would like to hear of and see revival in the hearts of the lost and those who have walked away from God.


The God that I know can do this.  He can make a way to do this, but only if it is his will to do so.  6 months, 70 years, or 400 years God can make changes in and to the lives of the people he loves.  Our part is to be patient, pray, and watch and see what God can do.


The following scripture in the book of Revelation repeats the words from Jeremiah, but then God added the last sentence to give us hope.  Hope in him and his plan.


Revelation 13:10 (NIV)

“If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity they will go. If anyone is to be killed with the sword, with the sword they will be killed.” This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of God’s people.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Power of Twelve - 2 Years Later (written on July 12, 2020)

In 17 days it will be two years since the Lord decided to start the Power of Twelve group.  It all began with a brain tumor in my head and then a move by the Holy Spirit.  From the beginning each of us that responded to the call knew that the Lord has called us to meet and hear from Him.  Some of us have been here from the beginning and some have been called to join us as we moved ahead month by month.   Each one are chosen by the Lord and each one has answered his call with a "Yes" and "Amen".

Who would ever have guessed we would be here at this moment in time?  Who would ever have guessed we would need to hear the voice of the Lord at such an imperative time in the creation of the world?  We have talked about the word "coincidence" and all of us agree that God moves and always has a plan.  It's definitely no coincidence we are right here, right now, on this day.

He wants each of us to know His love is more powerful and more "Ever" lasting than anything and everything that happens in a day.  He hears.  He knows.  He sees.  He feels.  He cries.  He continues to call out to the lost ones.  He brings hope.  He brings faith. He brings joy. He brings peace.  He brings love to ALL!

He is asking each of us to dig deep into our hearts and show love and kindness no matter how hard it might be.  We are His light in a world that only continues to become darker.  He wants us to stand firm in our faith, even while thee raging storms are around us.  We will bend but we will not break because He holds us up.

Ephesians 6:10 (NIV)
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.

Ephesians 6:10-12 (MSG)
And that about wraps it up. God is strong, and he wants you strong. So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials. And put them to use so you will be able to stand up to everything the Devil throws your way. This is no afternoon athletic contest that we’ll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels.

Write Again Says the Lord

The days have all melted together for the past 4 month since we were hit with the Coronavirus.  Nothing has been normal and nothing will be normal again since it has gone on this long.  Personally, it has been a very testing time for me.  I have always thought I would get through anything but this one has me sitting on the sidelines looking at the days flash by like never before.  

I have been strong in the Lord for 40 plus years and even this has me questioning my life choices.  There are no questions of the Lord, only myself.  I have been fairly complacent as the days have moved on.  I have not fretted too much or complained excessively.  I have mostly hunkered down waiting for whatever to happen, to happen.  For 4 months nothing much has happened.  Except for 126 passing by and 20 pounds of extra weight on my already extra 30 pounds.  I eat, sleep, and work.  

With all of this said, I had to ask the Lord,

"Why do you want me to write again?  I really don't want to put down my complaints and my negativity.  I just want to quietly sit by and watch as the days move by."

"Many, many, many, are feeling like you. They are exhausted by the days of this terrible ordeal.  The fear for them is overwhelming at times and they have to tell themselves to breathe.  Their hearts hurt. Their minds are spinning out of control.  They can't focus on the good in life. All they hear is the bad.  They need some hope and some assurance that one day they will begin to heal.  They would certainly heal faster if they would come to me and let me carry their burdens.  But their stubbornness and pride prevent them from seeking me."

"Lord, I can't help them with my words.  I am having a hard time too."

"I know Daughter, but you have a way of telling others that things will be alright, even when times are dark.  You have a way to soften the feelings of others with just a simple expression of faith and love.  Your words have been my words for years and you should know that by now.  Just look at what I have accomplished through you with your simple words."

"Alright, Lord.  I will do as you ask and try to speak from your heart, to mine, to them."

So here we are listeners. Here I am writing again.  I really never expected to write about faith and hope during a pandemic.  I really never expected there to be riots, looting, killing, and threats of ending the American dream with socialism, communism, and Marxism rapping on the door of our free, independent nation.  I never expected a brain tumor almost 2 years ago either, but here we are.  Life is different and becoming increasing different each and every day.  There is not one single person who can tell you what tomorrow will bring.  

The point of all of this is that only the Creator of the Universe knows what is happening.  Even if you are not a believer you have to admit that something supernatural is happening on earth today.  We can question every single thing and we will still find we have no answers.  We can cry and scream and throw a tantrum which will change nothing.  There is not one human being who can change what has happened and what is going to happen.  This is the point in life where we finally admit defeat.  We can change nothing.  We can postpone things by running away.  We can hide and hope tomorrow does not find us.  There it is.  The only real answer.  You can run, but you cannot hide.  

There is  a time in every single human life on this planet where there is a question about life and death.  Why are we born?  Why do we die?  All of your friends will give you their opinion of life and you get to decide if you want to find answers for yourself or assume they know what they are talking about and just accept their path.  If you are a follower, you will let them lead you on their path, which will not be your own.  If you are more of a leader, you will listen to your friends, but then make your own choices.  If you are a fence sitter, you will just keep sitting there, hoping to fall off the fence on the right side when the time comes.

As I write this, my only advice would be, decide for yourself.  Don't let others choose your path to faith, truth, hope, and love.  None of us have chosen this path of living in a pandemic, living in a season of terrorism and turmoil, and watching others try to take away the dreams of all who live in America.  I would encourage you to be a leader in your own life, not a follower of someone else or a fence sitter.  At least wake up and search for something.  Search for something good even when it doesn't look so good.  Try to find a positive amongst all of the negative.  Be different. Do something different than what everyone else is doing.  

I'm writing again.  I'm hearing again.  I'm speaking out again.  I want everyone to know that your choices can be what makes all the difference in your world.  Choose wisely.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

July - Winter Season

It is pouring down rain, cold and wet today and here it is the first day of July.  It feels and looks like it could be the first of December.  If we did not have calendar you might be able to persuade someone it really was winter!

The weather is just another one of the weird circumstances surrounding this entire year so far.  It seems like we just got done with Christmas and then in January we made it to a basketball game of our grandson's in Washington State.  That was late January, early February.  Around this same time we were hearing of passengers stuck on cruise ships for weeks with some kind of sickness.  Then all American travelers were told to get back into the United States now, as they were going to close the borders.  That was done and then each of the states started shutting down business, school, events, church, everything!

All of the upcoming graduation plans, wedding plans, vacation plans, sporting events, everything, cancelled.   We all stood around our home with the proverbial deer-in-the-headlights look.  What just happened? Life stopped.  What is going to happen now?  Nothing and I do mean nothing.  Many of us went straight to God in prayer for answers.  I did not get an answer except; "Be patient.  Be at peace.  Rest in me."  That was three and one-half months ago.  That was in March.  Now it is July.  

My life feels like a winter.  My heart feels like a winter.  My brain feels like a winter.  Everything is cold and gray.  Nothing is shining.  Nothing feels good.  I keep waiting for God to say something else to me but he is quiet.  I wish I knew what this is all for.  I wish I could find some joy during all of this.  I wish I could find a way out but there is no way out.  

Millions and millions of us across the globe are feeling this way.  We are all uncertain of what tomorrow may bring.  The younger generations have gone out of control as they have nothing to draw from.  There is no God for them to reach out to.  They have never known him or even wanted to know him.  They have focused their 20,30,40 years on themselves and have nothing else to guide them.  They are protesting, rioting, vandalizing, looting, even killing.  They are the lost souls that God wanted to save but never got the chance to meet.  

Could it be that all of this will continue as God finds a way to meet some of these lost souls?  If so, I will try to be more patient as we go through this winter season of life.  He waited for me at one time in my life to come to him so maybe he is waiting for you to call upon him.  At this point in time what do you have to lose?

Sunday, June 21, 2020

God’s Wrath or God’s Love

The people suffer and curse their image of god.
The people of the One True God call upon him for relief.
Has God abandoned His people?
Have His people abandoned Him?
Will the Father abandon His children?
Have the children of God walked away from Him?
How many days and years can God watch His people dishonor Him?
Many speak out of the love of God.
He is a God of love.
He is a God of wrath.
How can He be both love and wrath?
A father who loves his children will teach them discipline.
He will teach them that trials and failures bring strength.
He will allow each child a free will to accept or reject his teachings.
When a child turns their back to their father they are left to live their own life.
If the failures and trials become more than the child can bear, they suffer.
Suffering children have a choice to return to their father or continue in their suffering.
The return of the child to the father’s house brings joy to the father.
His arms are open and his love is apparent.
Just as the human father welcomes his child home, the Creator Father does the same.
He calls time and time again for His child to return to him.
His love is immeasurable and eternal.
His wrath and abandonment is the choice of the people.
People are free to choose love or wrath.
People are free to choose God or themselves.
Choose God and receive love and forgiveness.
Choose yourself and live with abandonment and wrath.

Matthew 11:28- 30
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Thursday, June 11, 2020


I really never considered myself a complainer.  Most of the time throughout my life I kept the majority of my complaining to myself as I already knew each one of us has complaints about many different things in life.  The Lord told us we would have trials and that was just how life was.  But all of a sudden I find myself just wanting to scream at the world and everyone in it!  What has happened to me that I am no longer able to keep it bottled up?

I am on the downhill slope to the age of 70.  Only 4 more years to go.  Did I ever really think about the age of 70?  Of course I hoped I would see it but did I really think about how life would be at age 70.  Do any of us really prepare ourselves for being 70 years old?  We may think we are ready for it and we may think we have it all under control and then all of a sudden it hits us smack dab in the face and we are jolted!

In the past decade of my life I have watched my children and grandchildren move from my close reach, to other states and other lives.  I have watched my mother die from the ravages of Alzheimer's.  I have experienced a brain tumor, foot problems from Planters Fasciitis in my left foot, and a weight gain of  almost 40 pounds.  I was already overweight before this.  I am now winding down my work career and will be semi-retired in another year.  I no longer want to work in my flower gardens as my body does not want to bend and stretch because of the excess weight and everything rots here anyway because of the rain.  I have over 2000 square feet of home to clean inside and rarely have any reason to clean because there are no family and friends coming to visit.  I have money to spend but really have to reason to spend it because I have so much clutter and stuff there is no room for more stuff.  I don't really care about traveling because my husband no longer wants to travel because he is 13 years older than me and becomes more and more frail as each year passes.  I have no friends that I really want to share my complaints with because they already have more than enough on their plates as it is.  I cry out to God.  He is silent on this topic.  He has seen so much worse and I sure he shakes his head that I am complaining with all of the blessings I have been provided with.

My children are healthy and moving though life.  My grandchildren are healthy and moving through life.  I have plenty.  So why am I so unhappy?  What is causing all of my distress?  I should be thankful for all that I do have.  Why am I unable to pull myself out of this old age slump?

The year 2020 has been horrific so far.  Actually the whole things seemed to start crashing in when the liberal folks decided to rage war on President Trump.  They had tried for the first 3 years to tear him out of office with the last big effort being an impeachment.  That didn't work and then a strange new virus hit the world. Covid-19.  The world locked down, people all over lost their jobs.  They said millions would die from the virus but only several hundred thousand have died so far.  It's just another virus doing it's thing but in the meantime all life on planet earth has changed. There is very limited travel.  There are no sporting events, concerts, large gatherings, fairs, parades, and all of the other social events we have been accustomed too.  Then to really put the icing on the cake for America, a police officer killed a black man, a felon, on camera and the entire nation fell into a riot with violent protests, killings, and all kinds of evil coming out from under the rocks.  The cities are a mess and there is no end in sight. There are now parades and mass gathering for this felon, who has been deemed a hero, while the rest of us sit at home wondering what has happened! America has gone crazy.

So here you have it.  The majority of my complaints.  I am old.  I am fat.  I am tired.  I have lost my joy.  I am ready to throw in the towel of this life and just get on with the next.  Am I wrong in how I feel today?  Maybe.  I know my joy comes from the Lord but he feels so very far away.  I know that he never promised us an easy life.  I know that so many others have it so much worse than I do.  I know there are people all over the world suffering in so many horrific ways.  I know I should be spending all of my time is prayer for those less fortunate.  I do know what I should be doing.  I should not be complaining.  But right now, at this very time in my life, I feel awful.  I can't seem to get a grip on my emotions.  I can’t seem to see the light.  I feel like I am falling farther and father off the wagon.  I need someone or something to come to my rescue.  

The story of Job comes to mind. How did he make it through?  He never gave up on the Lord!

Psalms 69:3 (NLT)
I am exhausted from crying for help; my throat is parched. My eyes are swollen with weeping, waiting for my God to help me.

Job 30:28 (NLT)
I walk in gloom, without sunlight. I stand in the public square and cry for help.

Psalms 38:22 (NLT)
Come quickly to help me, O Lord my savior.

Psalms 40:13 (NLT)
Please, Lord, rescue me! Come quickly, Lord, and help me.

Job 19:7 (NLT)
“I cry out, ‘Help!’ but no one answers me. I protest, but there is no justice.

Psalms 37:5 (NLT)
Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you.

Isaiah 41:10 (NLT)
Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.

Hebrews 4:16 (NLT)
So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.

Romans 8:26 (NLT)
And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words.

All throughout scripture we find people crying out for help.  Then we find words of love and encouragement from God.  All throughout life believers have called out for help in times of trouble. We are no different from the believer from 2000 years ago.  Every single human being who reaches the age of 70 has had trouble of one kind or another.  There is no way to get around those difficult times.  For me,  I know that I need to figure out how to move through this phase of life and move on to the joy, glory, and hope that is ahead of me.  My prayer is that the Father will show me just how I can do this and get away from the complaining and bellyaching part of this season.

Psalms 33:20 (NLT)
We put our hope in the Lord. He is our help and our shield.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

The New Ecclesia Army of the Holy Spirit

"Despite the present hardships, the United States is the birthplace of the Ecclesia army being forged for the new era. By June 2020, the Ecclesia army will emerge with a rejuvenated spirit and with confidence to function as a well trained fighting force". 
- Dutch Sheets

Ecclesia is church.  Church is the people of God. Jesus is God.

Isaiah 64:4
Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those who love him.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Worship the Lord With All of Your Heart

As of today, we have been in lockdown due to the coronavirus for 64 days.  I am sure many are feeling as I do, that this will go on and on and on and on, and never end.  Of course, this is silly thought.  Nothing goes on forever, except the Lord.  He is the only Eternal One.  He is the Alpha and Omega.  He is the Beginning and the End.  I Am, is who he is.  Someday, this too shall pass.  In the meantime, we have to find a way to endure the isolation.

As I search my heart today and seek the Lord I hear him tell me that worship is one way to find peace for times like these. I have known this in the past and I have done this in the past.  When we fill our minds and hearts with words and songs of worship we fill our souls.  When our souls are full of love for our Lord, the Holy Spirit of God comes into our being and brings us to the throne of God.  At the throne of the Father we are filled with peace, love, tranquility, goodness, mercy, faith, and all of the emotions and feelings he put inside of us when he created us.  When he created our bodies, he put our souls inside.  Our souls are constantly seeking the connection to the Holy Spirit of God from whence we came.  Worship does this! 

No matter how short of a time we have walked with God or how long of a time we have walked with him, we constantly need to be refreshed and renewed.  Life on this earth can be very difficult at times.  For me, this has been one of the most difficult.  I miss the church services.  I miss the hugs and interaction with others.  I miss the one-on-one, face to face conversations.  I miss the freedom to make plans with others.  But throughout all of this, I can be closer to the Lord through my worship with him. 

I have a husband who has no interest in music.  I love music.  This has made my life of worship difficult as I have to find times to turn up the music and fill my soul with song.  Many times I get complacent and there is no worship.  If this goes on too long in my life I tend to lose some of my peace, then anxiety creeps in.  If I do not find that connection back to the Holy Spirit I become complacent in my day to day life.  I call these my "desert times" or my "dry bone days".  They are not good days and the evil one always tries to hold me down during these times.  The devil will always take our faults and try to make us believe we are not loved by anyone, including God.  Satan will always try to condemn us.  He will always try to cause us to stumble and fall.  He will always try to bind us to chains of his doing. 

But by the power of worship we can toss him out of our lives and call upon the Father to fill us with his Spirit. God comes along side of us and lifts up our hearts, our minds, our spirits.  He tells us of his love for us and fills us with all of the goodness of his love.  He tromps on the head of the snake and tosses him out of our spirit and our lives.  The Lord fills us with love and peace when we worship in spirit and in truth!

John 4:24 (ESV)
God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”

Psalm 27:4 (KJV)
One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his temple.

Psalms 95:6 (GNB)
Come, let us bow down and worship him; let us kneel before the LORD, our Maker!

John 4:23 (KJV)
 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

50 Days of Lockdown

Like the majority of the world today, we are still in a lockdown state.  It was on March 14, 2020 the Tillamook County Board of County Commissioners issued a statement saying that parts of the County would be closed down.  An Emergency Order was declared. The City of Tillamook followed suit.  On March 23rd the Governor of Oregon also declared a state of emergency.  Today is May 2nd which marks the 49th day of lockdown, stay-at-home, Covid19 isolation, being apart from almost everything and everyone. 

Across the globe Covid has infected somewhere around 3 million people.  It has supposedly killed less than 250,000.  There are 7 billion people on the planet.  Most are locked inside of their homes.  Most are not working.  Most are held hostage by a virus and governments imposing restrictions.  So what are we all to make of all of this pandemic that randomly kills people much like any other virus that has hit the world in the past.  We all know the history of the most deadly pandemics, plagues.  This is not the most deadly pandemic. It is the only pandemic we have ever know though.  Are we all hibernating in fear because we have been isolated for 50 days?

Most of us are practical and smart enough to understand things.  Those of us over age 50 have lived life and most have learned throughout those years.  Most of us are not doctors, lawyers, politicians, scientists, high ranking officials, but are common people.  We are the people who work, live, love, and strive to live a peaceful life.  Many of us are Christian believers with a solid faith in God which helps us overcome our fears.  We believe God is in control of our days and we allow his mighty hand of love to move according to his will.  Am I saying we do not have questions?  Of course not.  We are all human and we all have questions.  How many times in your life have you asked "Why?" only to get no concrete answer?  In my life there are too many to count.  God, my Creator, is my refuge in times of trouble.  He is my joy-giver in times of sorrow.  He is my shield and my fortress, in whom I trust!  In Jeremiah 29:11 he tells me he will not harm me but will prosper me.  Why would he lie to me?  He wouldn't!  He is not the kind of Father that would lie.  Only the devil, the deceiver, would do that.  The devil is the one who kills, steals, and destroys.  He would be the one who plants doubt in times of trouble.  He is a killer.  The Lord is a saver.

As these days have rolled by ever so slowly for so many of us, we come to certain times when we realize this is really happening and we look for answers.  School is gone, jobs are gone, money is gone, grocery items are gone, church gatherings are gone, graduation ceremonies are gone, weddings are gone, funerals are gone, sports events are gone, all gatherings are gone.  They have been gone for 50 days.  People are suffering physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.  Is God going to reveal why?  When is he going to reveal why?  Does this event have anything to do with the plans of the Creator?  I don't know. 

What I do know though, is that God the Father loves his people.  For over 2,000 years since Jesus walked the face of this earth telling people of the love of the Father, the eternal life offered to those who believe, the love we must have for one another, the peace that surpasses all understanding offered to the believer, the gifts of miracles that can happen, and all of the other teachings of the Son of God, Jesus, we can set our minds and our hearts of the promise of Jeremiah 29:11;

"For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope."

If nothing else sticks with you regarding what I have written, please keep this one reminder of God's love in your heart and mind.  He does not want to harm you, ever!  While he can take revenge or justice against your enemy, he will not harm you if your ways are his ways.  He is a God of love but he requires an obedient child much like any father who truly loves his child.  We all know what happens to the child who goes against their fathers wishes and decides to take matters into their own hands.  Most times, that child brings hurt and trouble upon themselves.  Loving fathers come along side that wayward child and tries to help them out of the trouble and set then on a good path. A right path. 

With 50 days of lockdown behind the world, what will the next 50 days bring?  I have no idea.  Jesus told us to "render unto Caesar what is due to Caesar."  Caesar represents the laws of the land.  If the laws of the land tells us we are to remain home and only venture out for essential needs, Jesus tell us this is what we are to do.  Do I think the Coronavirus is going to kill more people?  Of course it will.  There is no known treatment for ending the virus.  Do I think it will all get worse before it gets better?  I hope it only continues to get better and better each and every day.  But I have hope.  Others do not.  Others are already sick with something, coronavirus, flu virus, cancer, heart conditions, addictions, and thousands of other life threatening diseases. 

Life is life threatening.  We are given today only.  Tomorrow is gone.  Yesterday is not here. My only recommendation for today is for you to tell someone you love them, however you can.  Find some joy in your day.  Smile. Laugh. Sing. Be free in your soul even if you cannot be free in your daily activities.  There are millions of us across the planet seeking an answer and the best possible answer is love and forgiveness. Unconditional love. Unconditional forgiveness.  Then we see how it all goes from there. 

Friday, March 20, 2020

Gods Reset

March 20, 2020

Where do I start?  I should have been writing days ago when this all started.  I have been telling every one we are living in a historic moment in time.  We haven't figured out how this all plays out.  All we know is that a major event is taking place across the globe.

All stadiums are shut down. Theaters are closed. All restaurants and bars are shut down except the ones offering take-out.  Bank lobbies are closed. You can get gas, groceries, some retail is open.  The big stores are closed.  Churches are closed. We are encouraged not to have more than 10 in a group.   The borders are shut down.  There are no flights in or out of the country.  Or almost all countries, I should say.  If you are reading this right now you know exactly what I am talking about.  If you are reading this after the fact or sometime in the future you may not know what I am talking about.  I guess it all depends on the outcome of this and many different factors as to what is happening.

We have a worldwide shut down for something called COVID-19, or Coronavirus, or Wuhan virus, or Chinese virus.  It stared in Wuhan, China in December 2019.  People got sick and it spread fast as it is a very large city.  Some tried to get the word to top officials. The government covered it up so they did not lose face.  It got out of the country.  Every nation has sick and dying people right now. Mostly old people or those with medical conditions.  It's a mess.  Each state has closed down schools, colleges, universities, museums, libraries, campgrounds, beaches and most public facilities. 

President Trump issued a:

Proclamation on Declaring
 a National Emergency Concerning
the Novel Coronavirus Disease
(COVID-19) Outbreak
Issued on: March 13, 2020

Today is March 20, 2020 and most of us have been home, off the streets, out of the businesses, pretty well hanging out at home to see if we can stop the virus spread.  It is strange but, as of  today, there are just a little over 10,000 deaths, worldwide. They tell us there are not enough hospital beds if we don't stop the spread.  It feels like they, the media, the officials, are yelling, "The sky is falling!. The sky is falling!"  And, as in story of Chicken Little, when one starts to believe something and follows without using common sense and being cautious to make sure it is truth, well, you never know what kind of deceptive path you could be being led down.  We are all watching and waiting.

There are a lot of questions as to why the world has basically shut down for 2 weeks and schools even longer.  We are continually told to self isolate so that millions and millions do not catch this virus and pass it on to others.  It is the weirdest thing to know that what is happening here is happening all over the world. We watch it on TV and see all of the mostly empty streets in the cities.  Las Vegas has pretty well shut down.  San Francisco is pretty well in lockdown. All Disneyland Parks all over the world are closed for business.  The stock market is plunging so the greedy are freaking out.  They forgot that God owns everything on this entire earth. Nothing is ours, really.  You can not take one thing with you when you pass away from this earth.

I'm calling it a "reset".  God is resetting the entire world all at once.  For two weeks he has decided that everyone possible needs to be home and off the streets.  All it took was a tiny little germ.  A powerful germ but a tiny little thing like that and the globe is closed.  Kids are doing school at home.  Moms and dads are working from home or their work place is closed and they are home.  You can't really go anywhere or see anyone because you could get the virus or you can be a carrier and give the virus.  You don't know if you have it or not.  Some people don't know they even have something and then test positive.  If you get it, all the people you know that have been around you have to be tested too. I myself, do not want to be tested.  If you are positive you are quarantined for 14 days.

The State and Federal governments are trying to figure out how to keep the masses calm while this global shutdown is going on.  Vacations, cancelled.  Weddings, cancelled.  Graduations, cancelled.  Hotels are closed.  Cruise ships are parked.  Airplanes are parked.  Airports are closed. We are asked to stay 6 feet away for others.  You can't do that in an airplane. Home is different because if it's there, it's there. 

We have pretty well been home for a week now. Things started closing down when the President declared the National Emergency on Friday the 13th of March.  We laughed at work because the "self-isolate" recommendation was issued from Friday the 13th to April Fools Day, the 1st.  If this is God at work, I hope everyone sees the humor in it. 

City Hall is closed until March 30th for now so I have been brings files home. I was in the office all day Monday as we had a City Emergency Declaration to get out.  City Council met that night and the announcement was made and televised.  I went in on Tuesday until 1 pm and dropped back in the office Thursday morning for an hour to get other files.  I'm hoping to get all my work caught up so that when we open back up we are ready to go.  In a way I am anxious to see how the bounce-back will work.  A complete reset for the whole world.  What will people's reaction be when life turn on again?

Now if God has a different plan, or if this turns out to be something mankind has done, or if it turns out to be something evil, or if it turns out to be something miraculous, then I am amazed that I was here, watched it happen, and am alive and writing it down for such a time as this.